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Namelessrc Gopro9 Strange Behavior


New Member
Mar 18, 2024
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I just set up a new GoPro 9 without its case, using a Namelessrc BEC and cover. It works well when connected directly to any battery. But when I connect it to the drone, it stops recording whenever I take off (the video ends when I start flying). The weird thing is, when the drone lands, I can see on the GoPro's front screen that it's still recording. I press stop recording, and it saves the file with a number.

It's really frustrating. I had an amazing flight this weekend with many people jumping into the water from a cliff... and none of my 7 batteries, all almost out of power, captured HD video. I only have low-quality video from my goggles.

Im flying Diatone Roma L5 that has FC - MAMBA F722 AIO MK1.
The GoPro BEC connected directly to the XT60 connector on the FC (together with the capacitor).

Any ideas or suggestions?
Have you removed the battery from the GoPro? I assume so to save weight, but asking just in case.

Hi, Yes, it is naked gopro - no battery. Im using NamelessRC BEC to power it through quad FC main power connection. The BEC is up to 6S.
Hi, Yes, it is naked gopro - no battery. Im using NamelessRC BEC to power it through quad FC main power connection. The BEC is up to 6S.
So I need a little more information. I'm unfamiliar with NamelessRC, which is honestly just the middle man. What I need to know if you're powering the GoPro off the 5VDC regulated rail via the Flight Controller. Why I ask is because either NamelessRC is grabbing regulated power and just passing it on. OR it is regulating the power itself off of the battery.

Honestly, I trust the onboard Flight Controller / IMU 5VDC power rail more than I would trust NamelessRC. My point is that your GoPro issue may be due to power issues.

A good experiment would be keep the battery installed on the GoPro to see if that helps things. If not, then we can move on to what kind of commands are being sent to the camera over the USB port.


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