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Father son Build log

Unplug quad battery, plug in USB.
Go to motors tab, accept responsibility.
Link all motors and max the throttle slider.
Plug in quad battery, wait for beeps.
Lower throttle slider to min.
Unplug quad after beeping stops.
Yeah I've done that a few times and then to check I test in motors tab and they all work..

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Got it!!!!
It was that AUX2 that I couldn't find. It was in flap and I needed to turn it to the neg 100 instead of the 0 I had..
OK on to finishing and then work on sons..
Thanks Green for all your help so far..
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Alright MR Green, I'm now setting up my sons and cant get inputs to show in CF.
Radio and XSR is showing solid green light for binded but I must have something wrong in CF so I get no inputs in receiver tab.
For receiver, what do I use? It's serial right? If so what provider if I straight wired to UART3?
Your thoughts?
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Well I'm in the air with both and very happy. Very stressful and frustrating times but with help I made it threw.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Today I'm swapping to a AT9S and having issues getting it to arm. I'm using sbus plug on R9DS and soldered into UART3. Cleanflight reads all TX movements in Receiver tab but arming will not work. Any ideas?
Today I'm swapping to a AT9S and having issues getting it to arm. I'm using sbus plug on R9DS and soldered into UART3. Cleanflight reads all TX movements in Receiver tab but arming will not work. Any ideas?

Calibrate your radio's sub trim and endpoint settings so that the channels show 1000us min, 1500us mid, 2000us max on betaflight receivers tab when you move the sticks. Make sure none of the channels need to be reversed.
I have all set but still cant get arm to turn green. All seems to work other then the arming switch and Im not sure what could be the issue.
I got it.. Throttle min was 1002 and needed to be below 1000 in order to arm.. Geesh these things are picky.. ;)
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good job... indeed they are picky. im flying the raceflightone, no setting up end points on it. its very easy to set up, takes all of 4-5 mins....lol
good job... indeed they are picky. im flying the raceflightone, no setting up end points on it. its very easy to set up, takes all of 4-5 mins....lol
That's got to be handy. It's been a big learning curve but I've enjoyed it all so far.
Yesterday my son lost is antenna of the VTX and I'm wondering if I can upgrade to a UFL to SMA pigtail.
Eachine VTX03 Super Mini 5.8G 72CH 0/25mW/50mw/200mW Switchable FPV Transmitter

FuriousFPV UFL to SMA female cable

Looks like I can just solder the UFL side to the board and be good to go. Am I right or am I missing something?
Even freaking better, thank you.. Freaking loving this side to the hobby. :)
Have to admit, I love building too but, I've done an awfull lot of building and repair because of my piloting skills (or lack of) but my repair to stick time ratio has increased on the stick time side because I recently downloaded a simulator and my skills are improving rapidly
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