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Finally got to run a few packs through the new 3"


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2017
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Wait A While Western Australia
OK, so I finally got to run some packs through the new 3 " today but I'm getting a ridiculous amount of noise.
Not sure if this is normal or not with smaller birds?
Sorry but she doesn't have a mic and I'm still getting used to her.
Totally different to my diatone.
Any ideas?
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Brother that is not just noise, that is some kind of bad connection I think. When it is a noise issue it will be tightly coupled with throttle, that seems to happen on mostly on jerky movements as near as I can tell. BTW, 4s on small quads like that will likely give you more oscillations and such but you should be able to reduce it with the right tune.

That video is too scary to fly, we gotta find this issue and get it fixed.
OK Randy, we will chat about it when you're free.

Danny, I have only flown a couple of packs through her so I haven't fiddled with anything yet. That sounds like an absolute possibility. That may well be the best place to start. Thanks mate.
It is an absolute little beast for sure.
Haven't even gone past 3/4 throttle yet. Lol
Virtue, it seems like you were on the money.
Now that it's on 100mw and Chanels are all in sync, we are good to go.
Now I can work on the tune so thank you for the help mate, your guidance led me to look at everything.

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great session Wayne! Im glad you got it fingered out and flying. having our own Randy to help is a true boon to get to the bottom of issues. congrats getting flying and way to go Randy! We cant all be "royalty" but Randy is a technical dimigod. better yet, he loves to help.
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none, the weather has been overcast and misty, everything is wet...
great for fishing but no ripping and theres a hurricane headed this way. gonna fish a half day tomorrow and then head to florida out of its way.20181009_230439.jpg
check out what they are eating. big stone flies. i have plenty imitations of this.. it's hard fishing and not many to hand but its so peaceful. i haven't thought of work in 2 days.

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