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Hey, everyone….Alabama in the house !!

Hello neighbor and welcome to the forum from north central Alabama! Isn't the I.M.P.B.A racing Hydro out rigger boats? A friend on mine was big into boat racing. His last name was Lackey from Birmingham. This was in the late 70's and 80's. Glad to have you and safe flying.
Welcome to the forum from N/E Mississippi ?
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Hello neighbor and welcome to the forum from north central Alabama! Isn't the I.M.P.B.A racing Hydro out rigger boats? A friend on mine was big into boat racing. His last name was Lackey from Birmingham. This was in the late 70's and 80's. Glad to have you and safe flying.
Yes, sir I raced in the early’90’s in the sport 40class and open class for my outrigger boat … I’m originally from the Chicago area but traveled too race lots of fun … thanks for having me fpv is a blast
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Welcome to the forum! :)
I live in north west Alabama and have enjoyed the rc hobby world from racing in the I.M.P.B.A. In my younger days to just about everything under the sun and now drones too much fun
Welcome to FPVDronePilots from Dayton, Ohio USA! Fly safe and have fun!

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