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looking for some good throttle position and expo


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2019
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HI all
Finally got my 3" built, I'm new at flying fpv drones. It seems like everytime I take off I'm playing with a bouncing ball. I cant keep the drone in somewhat of a hover. I push the throttle up a bit and it rockets for the clouds and bring it back a bit and it bounces off the ground. I hear expo and throttle position is what I'm needing to tune, I'm not sure what values I'm needing to start with. Thank you in advance.
What radio transmitter are you using? You may just have to adjust the tensioner on the throttle stick, as you may be 'fighting' the movement. Also, it takes some practice to get used to the happy medium of stabilizing the quad in altitude. You might just wanna practice hovering near the ground for a while til the muscle memory sinks in with you fingers (hand-eye coordination). It took me several months to get used to it, but now the control is pretty much second nature to me now.
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What radio transmitter are you using? You may just have to adjust the tensioner on the throttle stick, as you may be 'fighting' the movement. Also, it takes some practice to get used to the happy medium of stabilizing the quad in altitude. You might just wanna practice hovering near the ground for a while til the muscle memory sinks in with you fingers (hand-eye coordination). It took me several months to get used to it, but now the control is pretty much second nature to me now.
in using a taranis qx7
On another note, I have the default gimbal sticks still. Some have switched over to the Hall gimbals (which come standard on the QX7s) and say it has a better feel.
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Same here. I opened up the back cover and adjusted all the stick tensions to an easier feel for me. You may wanna try doing the same.
On this note from @NeoCloneOne, I too adjusted the spring tension to be as soft as possible for the radio, HOWEVER, that can make nervous jitters all that much worse since there is not much spring tension to stop it. Most pilots prefer a bit of spring tension, but obviously NeoCloneOne and I have chosen the "other" option.
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