Hi, my 3inch drone got a very soft crash on a soil ground and a left-front motor is broken. And the damaged motor can still spin, but not spin smoothly anymore. Because the drone is fine after replacing with a new motor, I confirmed the problem is the motor.
I checked the motor condition, as showing the attached picture. However, there is no physical damage at all, like no pebbles in between, no cut-wire, no bent shaft, no burring coils. That prop even looks no damage at all, and this is the most situation I have to replace with new one. Troubles of bending shaft or burning coils are super rare cases.
There is one concern that I tried doing the flip over after crash because the drone was flipped on the ground, BUT stopped in 2sec because the worst case causes to break a motor if the motor cannot spin by blocking with obstacles, or simply just cut off antenna.
Next, I have the 2 same broken motors, and swapped its base coil and head-shaft. When I am spinning the 2 motors by hand, I feel they rotate very smoothly without friction, but they cannot spin well with a healthy AIO.
Thus, I occasionally get this kind of uncertain damage with motors, and my questions are:
1 What's the potential reasons that the motor does not work properly?
2 Can I fix the motor with this situation? Or simply better to buy new motor?

I checked the motor condition, as showing the attached picture. However, there is no physical damage at all, like no pebbles in between, no cut-wire, no bent shaft, no burring coils. That prop even looks no damage at all, and this is the most situation I have to replace with new one. Troubles of bending shaft or burning coils are super rare cases.
There is one concern that I tried doing the flip over after crash because the drone was flipped on the ground, BUT stopped in 2sec because the worst case causes to break a motor if the motor cannot spin by blocking with obstacles, or simply just cut off antenna.
Next, I have the 2 same broken motors, and swapped its base coil and head-shaft. When I am spinning the 2 motors by hand, I feel they rotate very smoothly without friction, but they cannot spin well with a healthy AIO.
Thus, I occasionally get this kind of uncertain damage with motors, and my questions are:
1 What's the potential reasons that the motor does not work properly?
2 Can I fix the motor with this situation? Or simply better to buy new motor?

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