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My First Major Flight Around My Home and Garden


Dec 27, 2022
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Western Australia

My first real FPV flight around my property where I'm flying with confidence, it is also my first attempt at editing my captured footage. I captured the footage utilising the onboard camera RockSteady setting as standard and nothing else was touched. I'm not totally convinced that I'm not losing fidelity of the captured video when I edit the clip using a free version of VideoProc Vlogger. I also captured the same flight using the camera setting HorizonSteady and even though I feel the processed video is of a better quality, I don't like the skyline also being level in my footage. The clip was saved straight to the drones MicroSD, any tips to help improve my flying, video capture and editing would be greatly appreciated. Fly safe o7
I can't give you any tips because I have only flew my avata three times now and I am not as good as you are. Great job!
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A little of both. I made my first video yesterday.I used the FPV controller. Check it out on this forum Title Third time out.
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Looks to me like you must have done a lot of flying before any editing. You are very smooth and steady. Very well done. As to how to improve, two thing come to mind. You might experiment with Gyroflow. You can fly without any steady (required for GF) and then in post decide if you want some very steady just a little steady and actually create some parts one way and other parts with another level of steadiness. The second thing that comes to mind is learning a pro video editor. On the PC Davinci Resolve has a free version. I generally like a steady horizon. But sometimes rock steady works. To each his own. Here's an example with mostly steady horizon. With all the tight turns I didn't like the camera flailing back and forth. Incredible to "see" the world while flying around, eh? I used to be a full time hang glider pilot and this is as close as I'll ever get now :).
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