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Problems with my eachine wizard x220 please help

No you download the files, then unzip them. After you do that and install them, you connect to betaflight at which time, your computer will implement the files
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No you download the files, then unzip them. After you do that and install them, you connect to betaflight at which time, your computer will implement the files
In order to unzip files i will need the winzip program tho right?

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
If you have windows 10 then it is built into File Explorer and you should be able to use that to extract the files
I got windows vista business what ever monstrosity that is

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
WOW... that is oooooolllldddddd brother, yeah you may want something newer but it should still be fine with that. Go do a google search for 7-zip or other free zipware programs.
Ive installed 1 file still trying to do this other 1. Says x64 / x86 in the folder im running 32 bit. Any ideas.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
I tried both of these the windows 2k allowed me to install it as the vista 2003 did not. How will i know when this is successful?

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
If the driver install is successful, when you plug the quad FC up to the PC (with PC volume turned up you should get a da-dum when the PC loads the driver. If you need an example let me know and I will post a vid
Installed both the files or so i think but still no connection.. being a noob with this is draining

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
should not have installed the x64 package, could cause big problems. do the uninstall on the x64 and if prompted remove all in case it tries to preserve anything. Then do a fresh install on the x86 package.

It can be draining here and there, learning new and sometimes difficult to grasp things can be that way. But with each breakthrough, it re-energizes you. This can be one of the most difficult parts of this even if you have a lot of experience. There are 2 kinds of USB cables in the world, some only have power wires to charge, and only some have all the data pins too. I usually test the cable for data capability on a phone or tablet or camera, something that if it is a data cable I will here the PC tones (because the driver gets loaded when the PC sees the device get plugged in) and be able to see the pictures or whatever the device has to show. If you had windows 10 most all of this is much more automatic. The rev of windows you have available to you is making it exponentially harder on you.

Keep posting results and questions and we will continue to help you along best we can.
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should not have installed the x64 package, could cause big problems. do the uninstall on the x64 and if prompted remove all in case it tries to preserve anything. Then do a fresh install on the x86 package.

It can be draining here and there, learning new and sometimes difficult to grasp things can be that way. But with each breakthrough, it re-energizes you. This can be one of the most difficult parts of this even if you have a lot of experience. There are 2 kinds of USB cables in the world, some only have power wires to charge, and only some have all the data pins too. I usually test the cable for data capability on a phone or tablet or camera, something that if it is a data cable I will here the PC tones (because the driver gets loaded when the PC sees the device get plugged in) and be able to see the pictures or whatever the device has to show. If you had windows 10 most all of this is much more automatic. The rev of windows you have available to you is making it exponentially harder on you.

Keep posting results and questions and we will continue to help you along best we can.
I cant praise u and the other guys enough for the help youve already given me, and i didnt install the x64(wouldnt allow me to anyway) yeh wish i had a better computer would of made it so much easier

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
Long time guys :) still trying sort this issue it appears out of all the computers i got laying round i cant get none to work! Tried on another computer was making progress but my beta flight just stays white, and suggestions.20180123_150131.jpg20180123_150112.jpg
Hi Jammy, so what happens when you hit the connect button in the top right of the BF screen? Your picture doesn't show the rest of the screen and in the part I can see it does not look like you tried to connect or else there would be more messages below the line that says the configurator rev of 10.0.0
Hi Jammy, so what happens when you hit the connect button in the top right of the BF screen? Your picture doesn't show the rest of the screen and in the part I can see it does not look like you tried to connect or else there would be more messages below the line that says the configurator rev of 10.0.0
On the picture of the white screen, im using a different computer but nothing loads when i click the tabs mate. Feel like giving up but i wanna fix my drone lol
Jammy, we’ve all been in that position. When I first started out with this I nearly quit a dozen times. You will eventually get it all sweet and move on. There is so much experience on DRP that everyone gets sorted in time. We have some great tech guys and totally awesome pilots here. Every one has had some problems along the way. Be patient, the reward is mind blowing.
Hi Jammy, you still didn't say what happens when you hit the "Connect" button in the top right. This can be one of the hardest parts of this, getting the drivers working to connect in BF, sometimes it goes with no problems and sometimes it can be a chore. You will need to try to connect and show us what the screen says in the top like this.

Notice the COM port it is trying to use, it should NOT say "Manual" or that means your drivers are not installed and working correctly
Also where mine says "Hide Log" yours may say "Show Log" so hit that to open up the logging area so you can see what is happening.

When you first start it should look something like this.


But once you try to connect it should say more like this.



And then you will see more tabs on the left if it connects but you will see something in the "Log" area that may help.upload_2018-1-25_13-2-5.png upload_2018-1-25_13-6-30.png upload_2018-1-25_13-7-59.png upload_2018-1-25_13-8-53.png
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