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Some more Acro practice with Bob (Crusader GT2). Noob stuff..


Thanks for chiming in! It's been a long road but I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable. I put the R220 through about a dozen batteries so far, decent bird but quite a bit looser than some of my others. I might need to do some tuning on it. Any way it shakes, I'm having a blast!

Hey Keith, I have a Vifly 220R that I fly right now and am in the middle of building a Neato X Talon 5"
here is some pics.20170318_141017.jpg 20170222_185833.jpg
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Looks good, Mark! Hey, I've been bashing the hell out of that top part of the battery cage. Where are you getting spares? I'm thinking about trying to make one that's a little stronger. Remember, I've got a GoPro Session mounted on mine. Have you messed with the PID's yet? This thing feels quite a bit looser than my other quads.

HI Mark,
That is a beautiful looking bird....as per usual, another question....by housing the motors in foam that way ...don't the motors heat up excessively? Or do the motors on quads stay cool? Heat was always a concern with on cars gas or electric.

Thanks Keith
Jerry, I bought 2 extra cages from ViFly so I had some spare ones (I bent up the 1st pretty bad!) so I would also like to make something a bit stronger .
As for my PID's.....No I have not messed with them, My version was still flashed with Cleanflight and I would like to flash to Betaflight so that way both quads will be setup the same. I don't have anything to compare this to so I can't really help with the "loose feel" sorry.

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Keith, Thank's man...
As for the motors go the center of these frames are made of plastic and oddly enough they stay pretty cool for the most part, has not been an issue for me anyway!

The camera (for the quad is in the front) just in front of the XT60 connector as for mounting a gopro or any other camera they mount to the top of the battery cage I hope this answers your questions.

If you need anything else don't hesitate to ask!
that's what we all are here for.

Hi Mark,
Thank you for your imput and help...
Did you decide on this frame style to protect the electrics better or is it a flying thing?

Hi Jerry ,
I just watched your latest video again...its exciting!!!!
That GT200 really climbs fast...did you spend much time with the other 2 modes of flight or go straight to


It's actually a "Diatone Crusader GT2" the 200 refers to the frame size in mm's. it's a very fast bird and that's using a 3S battery not a 4S. Using a 4S is faster yet. I actually did use Horizon mode for the first few months. I only did so because I've been flying Phantom's and Solo's for a few years and it made it a bit easier to get started. It worked for me but many people say you should just start in Acro. I was also concerned about wrecking my birds and when I first tried Acro I could hardly get the thing in the air without wrecking. I've only been flying in Acro mode for maybe a month now.

Keith, The main reason I chose the Vifly was the durability and since it was my very first quad I wanted something pretty tough and this thing is pretty good. I have had a few crashes (goofing around in acro) and hit the deck fairly hard. I went over flipped it right side up and took off!
I don't care what style you choose they will all have faults in the design in one shape or the other.

Side Note: You Will Crash ! and you will break things at some point, it's all part of it.
And it is Very Addicting !!! Have fun

Hi. Jerry and Mark,
Thanks for the info...i crashed and broke my cars a lot at first and then less but still crashed from time to time...so i am accepting these facts even though it will be painful to experience. I love watching Jerry fly my actual bird...the crusader GT2 (GOT IT JERRY)...

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