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Some more Acro practice with Bob (Crusader GT2). Noob stuff..


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
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Another unedited video of yesterday's acro practice with the Diatone Crusader 200 GT2. Full video, one battery, unedited.


Hi Jerry,
Now that's just showing off!!! HA HA HA !
Well done sir.
I have ordered everything including the GT2!
I called tommy at DIATONE and he gave me the number of a man who is in business of setting up and programming drones for newbies like me...i send him all the stuff i bought and Tommy sends the bird to him and he builds it programs it test flies it with video showing that it works. Sends it to me! $80.00 plus shipping. And when i get it he will talk me through saving all the programming on my computer so that when something happens i have all the programming saved.

Exited,nervous, newbie

Just crashed the original Arris 250B after replacing the original PDB. Guess what broke? The PDB, cracked from the arm hitting the dirt. SOB. I'm either going to make another Frank(2) or scrap it for parts.

Hi Jerry and green,
Jerry i was just having fun with you...your flips and triple rolls
100 feet in the air are very very cool...i believe i will in time be able to do that as well. Green thank you for your offer but i think this is going to be the best route for me...
Jerry, i completely understand your point of view and i agree however i know how i am and i would become very frustrated
By setting this thing up myself...i will learn about this process in the future no doubt about it!!! I could not find your latest video in the picture area? (See what i mean) where do i find it?

Thanks again for everything
Hey guys, i also bought a new radio out of California (only place i could find it) its called a QX-7 STATIC 2...it is the newest radio from Taranis... has all the power of the X9D with half the switches and its smaller and lighter...its for drones...
Tommy recommended it to me....$110.00 instead $210.00


It's all about what's comfortable for you! The latest video is the one at the beginning of this thread. Just go up to the first post. I've seen a few reviews on the QX-7 and they've been fairly good. Just remember, many of us don't have that particular unit so our ability to help regarding it may be limited. Tommy is a good guy but he's also in business, we're here just for the fun of it!

Green i know i can be a smart *** to ! I understand...i bought it from a company that tommy recommended..not his own...
We will see. I have faith...

I am excited ,probably get the bird 5/1 or so

Hey Jerry can the bird flip over the top(forward) and do a half twist so as to head the other direction instantly?

Hi Jerry and green,
Is there a way to format my fat shark goggles to receive a signal from the session (go pro)? Or are the fat sharks as good as the video you guys are displaying.?


The bird can do anything that "you can" tell it to do. I'm pretty new to this stuff so I'm still trying to get a feel for what "I can" tell it to do.

Hi Jerry and green,
That is so disappointing about the goggles...
Thank you both for your response... Jerry it looks to me like you are doing very very well...

Ata boy Jerry nice flying!!

I had a chance to fly yesterday myself, and had an issue with my goggles so I ended up just going LOS for the remaining 4 Batts. Primarily All acro

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I feel exactly the same way!
Hi Mark,
What type of bird do you have? And do you have any colored accents on it to make it easier to see?


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