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The joy of flight...


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2021
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I know I'm not an amazing freestyle whatever yolo kind of pilot, but the DJI FPV has given me something that I had already when flying the Mavics, but got lost a bit in the desire to produce really nice photos and videos... the Joy of Flight!

I'm slowly getting used to flying the basic aerobatics manouvres, spend a lot of time in the sim, but don't dare go too close to obstacles yet. But still, I am enjoying every second of flying this little tasmanian devil!

Here's two little movies I hacked together of shots I made in the past couple of weeks. The first one was posted before, but as I hope to be making a series of "The joy of flight" films, (hopefully making some progress in the editing department as well), I thought I'd re-post #1 as well.

So... here's part three: Drono Ludens, the playful drone!

Finally I found the courage to go fly in between obstacles instead of high above them! Seeing the movie on a bogger screen makes me realize I need to become a lot smoother still, but I'd say there's progress!

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So last week was the king's birthday, which is a national holiday in the Netherlands. Normally, the entire country is one big festival and an absolute blast, but this year almost all festivities were cancelled due to Covid. The weather was great though, so excellent opportunity to put the drones in the air! This time I brought both the Mavic 2 Pro and the FPV to have some fun.

In the Netherlands, we used to be at war with the Spanish back in the 80-year war in the 15the century. During that time, a defense system was created of lines of fortresses and fortified towns, most of them with a very recognizable star shape. Many of these fortresses and towns still exist, and they make for very photogenic items in the landscape. Whilst not being the main subject, one of these towns can be seen in my new movie, "The joy of flight Vol 4"!

Flying at this location and editing this movie was a lot of fun, there is just something special about sitting outside in the sunshine and letting your drone fly!

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As an intermezzo between the "Joy of Flight" series... I went windsurfing with a mate last weekend, and the wind was good enough for surfing, but not too much for the drone... So you can guess what happened. Sadly I forgot to bring the goggles of the FPV, but luckily I did bring the Mavic 2 with me... so for a change, a movie with horizontal horizons this time! :-D

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Flights look pretty good to me! Nicely done!

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