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Unlock your CE DJI FPV drone

@b3yond , will it also reset to ce settings if the phone you connect it to has location services and/or internet connection switched off? I would love to be able to transfer clips from the drone to my phone without it switching to ce settings again.
Yes the app always resets whenever connected regardless of any connectivity setting.
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Drone hacks claim you stole the software from them. Have you seen that ?
I was using DH Companion (paid) before. It ONLY hacks at fcc standard power mode (700mw) in FPV mode. DOESN'T WORK with digital unit mode.

B3yond solution will unlock 31.5dBm (1412mw) max in all modes.
b3yond works in FPV mode and air-unit mode as long as you don't connect the DJI Fly App.

So..... go figure whether their statement is correct or not...
Digital air unit mode works differently, there's no need for any app or hack for it, just put a text file on a card. Been well know for a long time.
Digital air unit mode works differently, there's no need for any app or hack for it, just put a text file on a card. Been well know for a long time.
Thats is correct. and thats exactly my point :) drone hack solution only hack the FPV mode (and only standard fcc power), while b3yond confirmed in post #12 that his/her solution includes both "hack" so both mode got the hack using the same "app", up to 1412mw, and eliminating the need of having to do the text file individually. I have yet to test the digital unit part tho' since dji drone is the only "digital" i have and my Chimera7 with air unit still in shipment. But this is a dream solution if it works. Will provide updates once done.

I got nothing against drone-hack (i'm a paid customer), and definitely won't ask for refund like some of their customers because it was good at that time when I needed it when nothing else available. but time passes, such hacks to send a command to set a flag, are not exclusive, and someone else can found the same way and decide share it back to the community instead of making money out of it, but it doesn't mean they stole it (to give the benefit of the doubt). The thing is, since b3yond was out in the open, DH only put out that stolen statement, and didn't do anything nor improve their software to do at least the same (if not better) from what b3yond does (ie. to 1412mw instead of 700mw only) . So accusing someone's stealing but provides no evidence or show they can do better is also tough to believe (at least for me).
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Currently not planned. Depends on donations coming in. It's not main job.
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Thats is correct. and thats exactly my point :) drone hack solution only hack the FPV mode (and only standard fcc power), while b3yond confirmed in post #12 that his/her solution includes both "hack" so both mode got the hack using the same "app", up to 1412mw, and eliminating the need of having to do the text file individually. I have yet to test the digital unit part tho' since dji drone is the only "digital" i have and my Chimera7 with air unit still in shipment. But this is a dream solution if it works. Will provide updates once done.
not true, they both hack the same output. tried and tested.
They must be tripping.
That one made me laugh ?

Got the DH Lite first (works ok) then been using b3yond since I found it.
Coming from PirateBay country I've been pirateing ever since moving from Atari2600 to the C64, but when people are giving stuff away for free, the Buy me a coffee button is an automatic trigger and seeing U active here just makes me regret buying the short one and not the grande :)

Got DH because I wanted to hack the sport atti tilt parmameter to get sport mode from 27m/s to 39m/s, or the like, as in M mode, as I've seen done on Mavics on Youtube. Trying to flash the DDD firmware froze everytime using DH. The parameters names in DH seem different on the fpv drone compared to the others which makes me hesitant to try up'ing the param. if even possible, seems maxed out already.
Flying acro in all its glory and skill but seen one video is enough, kinda like beeing at a raveparty and getting near epilepsy from those strobe lights.
Flying fast smoth and low sniffing the ground is more my ticket. Here the MC outperforms the RC in getting those smoth fluent shots and getting that strong tx/rx from b3yond is outstanding.


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