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Unlock your CE DJI FPV drone


Active Member
Mar 30, 2021
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Outside the US and SRRC, the DJI FPV Drone is restricted to 25mw or 14dbm in the 5.8 ghz band and 100mw or 20dbm in the 2.4 band.
Our software sends an unlock code to your DJI FPV Drone which unlocks the full 31.5 dbm 1412mw in 5.8ghz & 2.4ghz bands.

thank you @b3yond , this is very cool.

I did try it, and Im not sure it did much for me (in CE area), signal break up happened at same place - hard to tell if it worked.
the website said it did... and it reset my transmission settings, so did something.

i did this on my mac mini m1 via chrome, but i'll try again with a windows laptop, to see if that makes any difference.


as a developer, thank you for also detailing how it works

may i ask how you did this, as obviously the approach may yeild other 'hacks' - so as a developer, id be interested to explore, and so potentially help the effort.

I'm assuming using a usb packet sniffer... on android? or a hardware sniffer?

I was considering installing LineageOS on a rPI, then seeing if I could install the fly app on it...and sniff via usbmon.
this assumes i can get usbmon running on linageos - im familar on other linux boxes, just not linageos, and if it has the kernel support.

of course, what other hacks there might be rather depends which features are setup by dji fly - rather than being hardcoded in the drone firmware - i guess the hope is a backdoor is present for dji engineers.
worked great for me no signal breakup in places that i normally do.
Range wise full bars at distances i would struggle otherwise.
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Well it does ‘something’ it gave me about another 500m, however, once the signal started to break up, did a 180 to come back & lost all connection, video and feed, drone started its RTH and about the place that I could get too before the hack it reconnected. Personally not worth the effort! Every time you connect to the Fly App to sync your records the hack has to be re-applied, so I doubt I will bother to apply it again.
I would love to try this, as I am in a densely populated area and generally only get about 600m range MAX. However, I am a bit hesitant to let a total stranger mess with my drone... anybody got more references about the party offering this? (No offense to b3yond, just not trusting everybody on their beautiful blue eyes...)
I would love to try this, as I am in a densely populated area and generally only get about 600m range MAX. However, I am a bit hesitant to let a total stranger mess with my drone... anybody got more references about the party offering this? (No offense to b3yond, just not trusting everybody on their beautiful blue eyes...)
has anyone tested @b3yond solutions combined with the old hack for air unit mode? will it stays or you always have to re-apply when you switch mode between fpv mode and digital air unit mode?
Connecting your drone to DJI Fly App will reset your DJI FPV Drone to default.

As long as you fly without smartphone, it doesn't need to get reapplied.
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Connecting your drone to DJI Fly App will reset your DJI FPV Drone to default.

As long as you fly without smartphone, it doesn't need to get reapplied.
So in essence, what you're saying is that these 2 hacks can co-exist together correct?
So in essence, what you're saying is that these 2 hacks can co-exist together correct?
You don't need any other unlock. B3yond will unlock 31.5dBm max in all modes.
b3yond works in FPV mode and air-unit mode as long as you don't connect the DJI Fly App.
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I would love to try this, as I am in a densely populated area and generally only get about 600m range MAX. However, I am a bit hesitant to let a total stranger mess with my drone... anybody got more references about the party offering this? (No offense to b3yond, just not trusting everybody on their beautiful blue eyes...)
The software simply sends a command to your DJI FPV Drone that will change its region to unlocked US (FCC = 31.5dBm = 10^(31,5/10) = 1412mW), unlocking full radio power on the drone, no permanent modification is made. Connecting your drone back to DJI Fly App will reset the location on your DJI FPV Drone to its default, you can reapply the modification at anytime.

You don't need any other unlock. B3yond will unlock 31.5dBm max in all modes.
b3yond works in FPV mode and air-unit mode as long as you don't connect the DJI Fly App.

A.W.E.S.O.M.E.! Time to ditch my DHCompanion app ???
The software simply sends a command to your DJI FPV Drone that will change its region to unlocked US (FCC = 31.5dBm = 10^(31,5/10) = 1412mW), unlocking full radio power on the drone, no permanent modification is made. Connecting your drone back to DJI Fly App will reset the location on your DJI FPV Drone to its default, you can reapply the modification at anytime.

View attachment 5123
Thanks for your reply b3yond!
I used your tool yesterday and did 2 test flights afterward. Normally I fly in densely populated area, and there my range is about 600-700m before the signal is lost and safety RTH kicks in.
Yesterday after using your tool, I flew in an area where I had never flown before, but it was relatively far away from population. I flew 2 batteries with the drone more than 700m away, but due to the heavy winds I didn't dare go much further. The signal strength was good, didn't get any hesitation whatsoever. I'll try to get back to places that I flew before to see if the range has increased. So far, so good!
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And it is free? That's really commendable. I don't have this quad nor do I intend on buying but I heard Russian hackers charge big bucks for those hacks. All the more power to you guys! I hope they buy you lots of cofees ;)
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can they substantiate that claim?

these are not really 'hacks', they are simply discovered by listening to the messages sent from DJI Fly to the googles - its a simple middle man attack. (*)
(sure, I guess b3yond could have snooped the message from drone hacks... but to do so requires exactly the same process as snooping the DJI Fly app.)

as a developer, I do sympathise with drone hacks, if allegation are true, but we do not know this!?

however.... I also think we shoud also look a little deeper...

the issue with drone hacks is not everyone has an andriod device, similar with the russian iphone hack, how many people want to jailbreak their iphone, just for this.
b3yond solution is clever since it avoids this.

perhaps drone hacks should look at what b3yond have done, and create their own website to do something similar.
it is a quite a simple model, and it open things up to a wider community, which could mean more revenue.

I do think its important that for any developers doing this, we as a community need to contribute/encourage them - as otherwise they have little incentive to do it in the future.

(*) the main complexity is determining how the protocol is encoded, and which parts are relevant.... id need to see the byte stream to see how complex that is (or is not)
(for sure this is why, it might be easier to snoop drone-hacks, than see messages from the dji fly, but thats not proof ;) )
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