can they substantiate that claim?
these are not really 'hacks', they are simply discovered by listening to the messages sent from DJI Fly to the googles - its a simple middle man attack. (*)
(sure, I guess b3yond could have snooped the message from drone hacks... but to do so requires exactly the same process as snooping the DJI Fly app.)
as a developer, I do sympathise with drone hacks, if allegation are true, but we do not know this!?
however.... I also think we shoud also look a little deeper...
the issue with drone hacks is not everyone has an andriod device, similar with the russian iphone hack, how many people want to jailbreak their iphone, just for this.
b3yond solution is clever since it avoids this.
perhaps drone hacks should look at what b3yond have done, and create their own website to do something similar.
it is a quite a simple model, and it open things up to a wider community, which could mean more revenue.
I do think its important that for any developers doing this, we as a community need to contribute/encourage them - as otherwise they have little incentive to do it in the future.
(*) the main complexity is determining how the protocol is encoded, and which parts are relevant.... id need to see the byte stream to see how complex that is (or is not)
(for sure this is why, it might be easier to snoop drone-hacks, than see messages from the dji fly, but thats not proof
