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Vifly R220 for beginner FPV or other ?

European version, not sure what is different. Probably has different frequency hopping table for legal reasons. Different bands of the radio spectrum are blocked in different regions.
Thanks guys. Should I buy the batteries on vifly site or get some different ones with a charger ? Also 3s or 4s or both ?
Thanks. I just ordered the Taranis X9D Plus. Haha first item bought. Don't even have a quad yet.
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To get the most out of this radio you want to learn about it anyway. It's a great radio but does take a little learnin'. I've suggested to others that they buy a generic F3 flight controller board ($20-$30). You can just plug it into the USBG port on your computer and start learning how to use CleanFlight or BetaFlight.

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Which does the vifly come with? Beta or clean flight ? Which is better ?
Is it going to be too complicated for my first transmitter?? I wanted to get a good one and one I could use for a while this is why I bought the Taranis. Hope I am not over my head haha

The one I just got came with BetaFlight pre-flashed so I would assume that all of the newer ones are coming that way. I've moved all of my birds to BetaFlight but I cant attest to which is better. My understanding is that BetaFlight gets newer changes much faster than CleanFlight. They're basically the same thing, Betaflight is just a bit more advanced and up-to-date.

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Nah, it's not over your head, just takes a little learning and should last forever (whatever forever is in this hobby!). There are a ton of really good YT videos out there on it.


Yeah, I see it. I don't know, I've never seen it that low before. Personally, I don't buy anything of any value on Amazon unless it's an Amazon Prime item so I can return it no questions asked if something isn't right with it. That doesn't mean you're not getting a great deal. If you get it for that and all is good, you did great!

Well I buy on amazon because I feel safe I can return.
Should I cancel order and buy for the 209
Amazon will take it back even when bought from third party's like this I think. I hope now you got me nervous especially because I won't know if it is right or not!!!!

I don't know, they've got good ratings. I do know that if it's not Amazon Prime and you have an issue it's between you and the seller. They can charge restocking fees or shipping charges. On Amazon Prime, if it isn't right they pick it up at my door, no charge. I don't know what to tell you to do. $150 is a hell of a deal but you know the old saying "if it looks too good to be true, it probably is". Your call, Man.

Trying to cancel now. Says I need to request to cancel. We will see I guess

That's what I'm talking about, on Amazon Prime they let you cancel pretty much right away unless it already shipped. Even if it has you can still get a refund immediately and just refuse it or ask for a call tag to send it back.


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