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Vortex 250 pro


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Jun 25, 2016
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I'm going to buy such a Racer next month.

Any recommendations, suggestions?

Was RC pilot in my youth - hope l can handle such a formula 1 bird?

I think I will start with LOF exercises before going into FPV adventures..
Hi mavericksan

Vortex 250 pro great bird...! quick and agile, not sure what you mean about LOF, ( line of flight ?) or LOS, Line Of Sight, anyway many pilots say that the only way to learn to fly a racer in FPV, is to use goggles from the outset, flying line of sight will not teach you the depth of field visualisation need for fast FPV flight.

I know its more comforting to fly LOS, but when the bird gets any distance away, you will inevitably loose orientation, then it can be extremely difficult to get the bird back home, because they generally don't hover very well, so you can't easily cut forward velocity and hover around for a while till you get the orientation back again, I know I've tried it and nearly lost the bird twice.

Having said that I know a guy who has flow model aircraft from age 8, he can fly LOS nearly as well as FPV but obviously not through trees where you cant see the bird, but through gates and around flags etc.

I would take the plunge start out with FPV (and definitely use a friend as spotter ), you WILL crash, everyone does, but you will cut the learning time in half, if you start LOS, you still have to learn FPV.
I take it you have flow some kind of quad before,, yes..?

Good Luck
Hi mavericksan

Vortex 250 pro great bird...! quick and agile, not sure what you mean about LOF, ( line of flight ?) or LOS, Line Of Sight, anyway many pilots say that the only way to learn to fly a racer in FPV, is to use goggles from the outset, flying line of sight will not teach you the depth of field visualisation need for fast FPV flight.

I know its more comforting to fly LOS, but when the bird gets any distance away, you will inevitably loose orientation, then it can be extremely difficult to get the bird back home, because they generally don't hover very well, so you can't easily cut forward velocity and hover around for a while till you get the orientation back again, I know I've tried it and nearly lost the bird twice.

Having said that I know a guy who has flow model aircraft from age 8, he can fly LOS nearly as well as FPV but obviously not through trees where you cant see the bird, but through gates and around flags etc.

I would take the plunge start out with FPV (and definitely use a friend as spotter ), you WILL crash, everyone does, but you will cut the learning time in half, if you start LOS, you still have to learn FPV.
I take it you have flow some kind of quad before,, yes..?

Good Luck
That's correct I started without fpv and could fly LOS with the best but learning with goggles has been a task I go into fields for hours just to get my orientation and depth down getting better but wish I would have started off with fpv.
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Thanks guys for your replies.
And yes I meant LOS.

Meanwhile I tried it twice and you guys are right - it's hard to estimate the heading of the bird, since it is so small and symmetric.

Will try to use my goggles next time.
DONT FLY THE VORTEX LOS!!!!! Take it from someone who knows lol. The quad is fast and small so you easily lose orientation. I lost orientation flying los and by the time I put my goggle on it was just going out of video range. Stupid mistake. I wasn't even far away but by the time I got everything on it had moved past the point of return mainly just from the wind and inability to have a consistent hover hands off. I had the same concerns flying Fpv but I just found a big open field and went at it nervously. After first battery it felt second nature. It's also so much easier to fly in Fpv. Your brain doesn't have to calculate as much.

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