OuchI can add another flaming crash to my repertoire, got this one on video...lol. I used the foam mount i made for my x210 and put my sq11 on my 6" leopard. The video has a lot of jello, didn't have it strapped down proper. The crash tore off 1 motor and broke 3 props and of course some smoke/fire damage. It boots right up, alls well and i'll have it back in the air in no time. When i plugged the lipo in it was a little loose and i'm assuming it somehow came unplugged in flight. I've been having issues with my XT60's
View attachment 1353
You guys are gonna have a blast!Flight deck is full today... Big day of flying ahead with a friend who started when I did but gave up after a month. He's back! He will fly the Predator X v1 today... His gear isn't flight ready at the moment.View attachment 1369
Let us know if they are good, i'm needing to order 4 or more
Let us know if they are good, i'm needing to order 4 or more
If you use the word crash in the title ya seem to get more views....lolI guess I'm boring everyone. My last Leopard video only got 4 views. That's about 6-8 fewer than normal! Chef is going to have a field day with those numbers. Good thing I'm not trying to make money at this!
If you use the word crash in the title ya seem to get more views....lol