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Jerry was the battery the 100c you are talking about?
How did the GT2 handle the power? I flew 7 packs yesterday and am getting better slowly. It is fun.

I left a message for Ramon, to see if he would make me a couple but I didn't get any response yet. Oh well. Flew 7 packs yesterday, i think I'm liking the cyclone props. Seem to have more in flight punch. Strong.


Yeah, it was the 100c. Seemed to handle it fine, until it dropped from the sky! I'm not usually kicking it at 80-90% throttle so I was paying more attention to not wrecking it myself than anything else.

Raymon won't be making anymore frames anytime soon. He's got a big "Honey-Do" list all backed up and Momma put her foot down.

hi Jerry,
just back from my spot and flew both of my $20 100c batteries and they are great! thinking maybe you got a bad one? also, i charge everything on 1c, takes a little longer but supposed to be the best way. are you gonna try them again?

Yeah, I sure am! It wasn't the battery, it was me not paying attention. I just ran it out of juice, I think. It charged back up so I don't think I killed it. I wish I could get more at $20.

Hey guys,
If i am flying in horizon mode does that affect speed?

Acro is much easier to fly once you get the hang of it because you're not fighting the flight controller. The longer you fly Horizon mode the harder it's going to be to learn to fly in acro

Download a flight simulator
I believe you, i have heard that from a lot of people,
I have to work hard a t minimal inputs on the sticks...i over compensate like what you do with a rc car. This process is a very steep learning curve for me as i have never flown anything .

Thank you Kindly
Sounds like you need to change your rates. Also expo. Go on yt and search rc expo. You can slow the amount of movement on your drone by lowering your rates also you can make it where smaller stick movements go slower with expo
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ordered 4 more of the cheap but good 100c battery's, if these all check out, ill order four more next week. you can only order 2 at a time so just make more than one order if ya want more than two. these battery's are cheap because they only have a 1c charge rate which is fine with me as i charge at 1c anyway
IFlight ix5. this particular arm has been bent a couple times before, weakening it i assume. i have a stretch x realacc x210 frame that should be in this week, guess ill put it on that frame
you'll love the revolt. i like it so much, i dont even have cleanflight or betaflight on my laptop anymore....lol. the configurator is fast, super easy and totally different than the others. if you go to raceflight on slack, lots of info on it there. if you or anyone else have questions about rf1 i'd be glad to help if i can
im really liking my emax rs2205s 2300kv motors. these are the ones you see in the tones video above. all around good performance, efficient too. i also have the emax rs 2205 2600kv's on the ix5 with the broken arm. these run a little warm but fast! i dont think frames matter much other than weight and drag, what you like and think looks good will help your confidence. i havent tried the bolt, or any 4 in one esc's. i have had, and have right now esc's that need replacing for some reason or another. replacing 4 esc's when only one is bad gets expensive.
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