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What quad charger for a beginner?

OK, I see where your going. Still, isn't balancing a problem?

Also: most packs are rated at charge rates above 1C. I know that slower charge rates are better. But I like to charge @ 50% or more of the max charge rating.

A B6 won't be able to charge 4x 1300mAh packs above 1C, so the q200 will be substantially faster if you are charging 4 packs at 1.5C on it.
OK "doby" - So you have your comparison. theGreenOrange may still need to correct me if I'm wrong. But here goes my opinion (since you asked for them). I like the B6AC. It is a very good charger with proven circuit design. Although it is capable of charging multiple batteries. It still can't do it quite as well as a multi charger. Even though "tGO" has eluded to best charging practices for 1C charging. He has neither confirmed or denied the balancing aspect of charging beyond 6S on the B6AC. I personally am willing to charge up to the max C rating on the batteries. But I always balance charge every time. I can't confirm or deny that the q200 is a reliable charger. It's charge ratings are as good as, or even slightly better than the B6AC. But specs alone do not make a good charger. I personally would rather charge a single battery each time at a little higher rating (balanced) than parallel charge multiple batteries at a lower rating (unbalanced). I do know electricity very well. And electrons do not always obey Ohm's Law. Batteries can be a pricey investment.

I hope tGO and I didn't confuse you with our conversation.
And I hope tGO is still my friend.
Of course, I am having a nice friendly discussion with you Pheonix.

One point, the charger still balances 4 cells, it just does 4 sets at once in parallel. If the batteries are not evenly discharged, the lower ones will charge at a higher rate in the beginning but all will eventually reach 4.2V and hence be balanced.
Of course, I am having a nice friendly discussion with you Pheonix.

One point, the charger still balances 4 cells, it just does 4 sets at once in parallel. If the batteries are not evenly discharged, the lower ones will charge at a higher rate in the beginning but all will eventually reach 4.2V and hence be balanced.

It's my understand (for the B6AC) that the onboard programing is designed to balance up to 6S. So, to perform "true" balancing of (2) 4S in parallel, one would need balance programing for a 8S battery. I have researched how cells in parallel tend to balance each other. So not to mix batteries of widely different charge states. But, since no two cells are alike, individual cells "could" charge at different rates. And, the balance software of the chargers would see parallel cells as a single cell.

I'm not educated enough to know what's best between the two methods we are talking about (single @ higher rate and balanced or parallel at lower rate and not perfectly balanced). I would say that neither is perfect.
I am not an expert either. I have a EE degree but it was a few years ago now. It is my feeling that it is not critical that the cells charge at the exact same rate, only that they reach 4.2V per cell.

The charger will cap out at 16.8V, 4.2V per balance lead. So the cells in parallel that hit 4.2V early will cease charging (since their voltage equals charging voltage) while the rest finish up. The charger knows it's done when current stops flowing, which happens when all cells on the lead reach 4.2V.
Ya I'm still learning about series and parallel circuits also. This way of thinking is very uncommon for the type of electrical work that I specialize in. However, I remember (now) researching some of this back when I was in the same spot as our good friend "doberman". And in my mind, I decided not to parallel charge. Mainly because the balance software is looking at the parallel cells as one cell. I agree that in theory and Ohm's Law the system works. But, as you preluded to earlier, it's a very good idea to do a full balance on individual batteries at some point. So the system isn't perfect. But what Is these day's. "doby" will have to decide for himself what system works best for him.
Thank You tGO
Imax B6-AC with parallel charging board.
I have the Imax B6 AC Pro. It dies a reasonable job of actually balancing a lipo...but it needs more than just plugging it in and hitting the go button. Wait till a used lipo cools down - place on charge at the correct charge voltage - ie don't run a 1.5 mah lipos - in this example I would set charging between 1.0A - 1.5A max. When its charged hit the + again and it should change to BALANCE run it again hit + again while charging and you see each cell charging. BEWARE that are more fakes on sale of this charge than hair on a donkeys back! Each genuine charger should have a serial number and halo sticker. That said mine has those - the website did not recognize the serial! and every now and then - teh display corrupts and shows writing more akin to Egyptian hieroglyphics... a new one yesterday was at the end of a balance run... when I looked the screen just shows a line of little whit squares!
The Balance charging plate is a bit misnamed IMO - it allows you to charge mutiple batteries - OF THE SAME maH charge rate ie all 1.5mah or all 2.2mah - at the same time. Again you need to check the state of balance at the end of the charge. get on eBay around $10 or sao. They another advantage... the save wear and tear on your charger outlet sockets.

There are better - more expensive chargers - my advice is check lots of chargers... they get better each year... and if you are into building/flying multi rotor for the duration - by the best you cannot afford ( sell the wifes sewing machine or car) its an investment and is as important to your new "hobby" as anything you build that flies!

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