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Where do I find old versions of betaflight?


Active Member
Jun 15, 2020
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I bought a second hand armattan chameleon, with betaflight version omnibusF4 3.1.7 Apr 3 2017. Connection with transmitter worked fine, I even did a little test flight.
Now, like I thought I was supposed to do, I changed the version into the latest version. After that, my transmitter could not connect any more with the drone.:(

So, it took me a while, but I managed to find a hex file with version OMNIBUSF4 3.1.7 May 16 2017. I had connection with the tranmitter again!!! :D
After changing the modes and ajusting the buttons , I went for another test in the field. A little throttle up and...drone was freaking out! :( No airmode on.

So, what now? Should I try different betaflight versions again, and to start with, should I try the apr 3 2017 version???
Any idea where I can find this version? In Betaflight configurator, the oldest version is 4.0.1 for may 2019.
If you go here

Then scroll to the bottom and click "Next" (as many times as needed) it will give you all the old BF hex files directories.

If you go here

Then scroll to the bottom and click "Next" (as many times as needed) it will give you all the old BF hex files directories.

View attachment 4744
ok, great, I found it. I've been on this page before, but it never came to my mind to scroll all the way down and tap "next".
I've bookmarked it!;)

But now, I have the OmnibusF4 3.1.7 hex file. But which version is this? I cannot choose between 3th of april and 16th of may 2017.
Maybe I should find an old betaflight configurator where I can scroll in the drop down menu to find the 3th of april 2017 version?
Or is this all just nonsensical hairsplitting and should I find the solution elsewere?
Even an old configurator (all available at the configurator directory, very similar to here for firmware) will still only go back to the same revs you see in the current one, they will not give access through the dropdown to older revs, you will need to copy them and then load locally to flash, but you should definitely get the configurator that is compatible with your rev. I would not load anything before about 3.3, and rev 3.1.7 was very buggy and I had real trouble with it way back in the day so I wouldn't leave it on my quad and I would try to shoot for rev 3.5.7. I don't know what the issue might be that you ran into, there just isn't enough info to hazard a guess, but the quad should fly with the correct configuration applied. I am not sure what exactly you mean by "which version is this", if you download the hex for your FC then you should be able to hit the button in the bottom right of the flasher "Load Firmware (Local)" and flash it, but like I said I would get the configurator rev that corresponds to the rev you are flashing. Sometimes if the BF isn't ancient (like your 3.1.7), if you look in the release notes it will say what rev BF it is intended for, as an example, I would use BFC 10.4.0 and try a rev of 3.5.7 (Releases · betaflight/betaflight-configurator)

I found the problem! It seems that it wasn't a firmware issue.

In betaflight, moving the quad in setup showed that pitching was reversed. Pitching forward was going backwards. o_O
I solved it by going into configuration, board and sensor alignment and changing "yaw degrees" from 0 to 180. (Yes, not pitch degrees, this turns the quad upside down)
I learned some new stuff. And for now, I do not have to test my quad in the garden while hiding behind a wall!:D

Now I have version 3.5.7 Mar 15 2019. Version 4.0.0 does not see the receiver, but I don't really care for the moment.;)
I found the problem! It seems that it wasn't a firmware issue.

In betaflight, moving the quad in setup showed that pitching was reversed. Pitching forward was going backwards. o_O
I solved it by going into configuration, board and sensor alignment and changing "yaw degrees" from 0 to 180. (Yes, not pitch degrees, this turns the quad upside down)
I learned some new stuff. And for now, I do not have to test my quad in the garden while hiding behind a wall!:D

Now I have version 3.5.7 Mar 15 2019. Version 4.0.0 does not see the receiver, but I don't really care for the moment.;)
Very cool of you to detail how you solved your issue, a lot of peeps would just say "fixed it" and no one else learns from your troubles

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