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whoop season approaching


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2018
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guys whoop season almost here I am flying the tiny hawk anyhow .. any of you guys getting / seen anything nice .. them toothpicks are to dangerous inside with family n kids running about .. any thoughts preferences etc to what to get ?
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guys whoop season almost here I am flying the tiny hawk anyhow .. any of you guys getting / seen anything nice .. them toothpicks are to dangerous inside with family n kids running about .. any thoughts preferences etc to what to get ?
Hi Irish,

I also have the Tinyhawk, great little whoop to learn on, however the Mobula7 is loads of fun on 2s.
I’ve got both the mobula 7 HD and the the trashcan which have been painful from the get go. Up to board no. 4 for the trashcan and a board and motor for the mobula. Essentially given up on the both of them as whoops as the QA is rubbish for anything from HappyModel, warranty has been helpful in some of the failures but certainly not worth the wait and endless emails. I believe they are up to V3 for the F4 boards due to the constant failures of previous versions but that is of no use to those already invested in the earlier kit.
There are some new kids on the block and pretty much anything from Diatone in the smaller range is less likely to make you curse and hurl stuff around the garage.
I’ve got both the mobula 7 HD and the the trashcan which have been painful from the get go. Up to board no. 4 for the trashcan and a board and motor for the mobula. Essentially given up on the both of them as whoops as the QA is rubbish for anything from HappyModel, warranty has been helpful in some of the failures but certainly not worth the wait and endless emails. I believe they are up to V3 for the F4 boards due to the constant failures of previous versions but that is of no use to those already invested in the earlier kit.
There are some new kids on the block and pretty much anything from Diatone in the smaller range is less likely to make you curse and hurl stuff around the garage.
agreed dude the mob 7 I had was a heap of crap .. then stupidly got the hd worse again .. never be fooled by the OH ITS A GREAT QUAD REVIEW BUY IT QUICKLY .. my way now is when another person I know gets something try it if it flys good excellent if not you dodged a bullet .. in all fairness the little US65 whoop is an awesome little inside quad for learn and explore . the time hawk is brilliant in every way possible. I've got some 17500 motors and some 19000 kv mottos and props sitting here .. you and recommendations on a board to try out ..dont want 2s as no need indoors just a 1s glide around .. cheers for any advice you can give
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I’ve got both the mobula 7 HD and the the trashcan which have been painful from the get go. Up to board no. 4 for the trashcan and a board and motor for the mobula. Essentially given up on the both of them as whoops as the QA is rubbish for anything from HappyModel, warranty has been helpful in some of the failures but certainly not worth the wait and endless emails. I believe they are up to V3 for the F4 boards due to the constant failures of previous versions but that is of no use to those already invested in the earlier kit.
There are some new kids on the block and pretty much anything from Diatone in the smaller range is less likely to make you curse and hurl stuff around the garage.
The mobula7 I received stated it had the upgraded esc's. I also have broken the frame and bent motor shaft from hitting the cement at high speeds. I bent the shaft back somewhat and glued the frame. I am on my 3rd Tinyhawk which also has a vtx that does not work well anymore need to discharge it with a tooth pick to remove the feedback i get from the throttle.
Aside from owning a Tinyhawk which a great whoop. I decided to add another, but it came with its drama. [emoji23]

If you have Amazon Prime, just go and buy one from there and then just return the defective one through Prime.
Aside from owning a Tinyhawk which a great whoop. I decided to add another, but it came with its drama. [emoji23]

Given its new and DOA, send it back. I had the same problem and being out of warranty, tried the humorous oven trick which didn’t work. Turned out to be the very fragile ribbon from the camera to the board. I rang Caddx and they replaced it free of charge and remarked that it was a common issue during assembly of the quad.
agreed dude the mob 7 I had was a heap of crap .. then stupidly got the hd worse again .. never be fooled by the OH ITS A GREAT QUAD REVIEW BUY IT QUICKLY .. my way now is when another person I know gets something try it if it flys good excellent if not you dodged a bullet .. in all fairness the little US65 whoop is an awesome little inside quad for learn and explore . the time hawk is brilliant in every way possible. I've got some 17500 motors and some 19000 kv mottos and props sitting here .. you and recommendations on a board to try out ..dont want 2s as no need indoors just a 1s glide around .. cheers for any advice you can give
You could try either the crazybee f4 board from the trashcan (usual warnings apply), or the one from the tiny hawk that you can run on 1S. Not sure about the motor kV rating as those boards can run up to 15000kV using the 0802/3 motors which are plug and play. I looked around for a better board to upgrade my trashcan to run on either 1/2S but the cost of the board over here in Australia was too steep to justify.
For a few extra dollars I’m better off getting a bnf that will usually fly straight out of the box, have a fiddle with the PIDS or throttle back for use inside.
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I had heard that if you contact Caddx that they would replace cameras with "Yellow screen of death", but I haven't tried yet even though I have one that has the disease. I have more whoops than I care to admit, and I have been lucky, my Mob7 and my Trashcan still work fine even on 2s. I have a TinyHawk, Mob7, 2 Mob7HD's (both broken) a TBS Whoop, at least 3 brushed Tiny Whoops brand whoops, a Tiny Whoop Nano, 4 Rakon Heli brushless whoops, and enough motors, frames, AIO cameras, and FC's to build another 6 or so Whoop class micros from 31-40 mm props. BUT... I always have something to fly over the winter since I also have about 40+ 1s batteries. I think I have a quad problem!
Given its new and DOA, send it back. I had the same problem and being out of warranty, tried the humorous oven trick which didn’t work. Turned out to be the very fragile ribbon from the camera to the board. I rang Caddx and they replaced it free of charge and remarked that it was a common issue during assembly of the quad.

Hey bro, I got a response from Caddx and based on the video, they are going to ship me a replacement sensor board.

@Madhungarian I bought from RaceDayQuads. I have been buying from them lately, their price is competitive and shipping is faster than Amazon (in my experience)
Hey bro, I got a response from Caddx and based on the video, they are going to ship me a replacement sensor board.

@Madhungarian I bought from RaceDayQuads. I have been buying from them lately, their price is competitive and shipping is faster than Amazon (in my experience)
Nice work. Just a note of caution, when you change out the sensor board, be mindful of the ribbon cable when reassembling the quad. There is very little room for error when putting the canopy back together. Don’t fart or giggle when closing it up and you should be fine....
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I had heard that if you contact Caddx that they would replace cameras with "Yellow screen of death", but I haven't tried yet even though I have one that has the disease. I have more whoops than I care to admit, and I have been lucky, my Mob7 and my Trashcan still work fine even on 2s. I have a TinyHawk, Mob7, 2 Mob7HD's (both broken) a TBS Whoop, at least 3 brushed Tiny Whoops brand whoops, a Tiny Whoop Nano, 4 Rakon Heli brushless whoops, and enough motors, frames, AIO cameras, and FC's to build another 6 or so Whoop class micros from 31-40 mm props. BUT... I always have something to fly over the winter since I also have about 40+ 1s batteries. I think I have a quad problem!
I would suggest that you have an affliction that is best managed through the acquisition of therapy based assets that meet the needs of an inquisitive and skill based needs mind....
So, it has been a week and racedayquads.com has been talking to Caddx concerning my dilemma concerning my camera, but it has been talking a lot of time to sort things out.

I have been in contact with Logan (representative from racedayquads) and we had worked things out earlier today, by sending me a whole new camera unit instead of waiting for Caddx to resolving my problem.

I didn’t want to send it back for them to repair, due loosing time of waiting, and my son has been practicing LOS and he has scratched the bottom due to multiple landings.

But I gotta say.. Racedayquads.com Rep. Logan has restored the my trust in costumer service and I’ve found my new buying avenue for all my drone stuff.
Yeah Tyler Brennan and RDQ are very good, Logan is also a true champion of the company. There is a lot of bad blood between leaders in this industry and Trappy (TBS) and Tyler (RDQ) is pretty tense right now, but I still buy from both.
Love them whoops! I've become a fan of BetaFPV and have several BetaFPV 75X 2s whoops. They are great fun inside with a 10-20% throttle cut (can be done in betaflight but easiest to do in your remote with OpenTX). And if you want to fly outside, just ditch the throttle cut. As much as I love flying my 5" out at the park, in all honesty, I get more opportunities to fly the whoops at the house.

If you are flying whoops inside, you're going to be doing the "crash, rebuild, repeat" cycle for sure. Which brings me to another thing I like about the BetaFPV whoops. In the past, when I had to replace the FC or ESC on my whoop, they were two separate boards: a $30 FC and a $40 ESC. BetaFPV has a new board that is truly AIO. FC and ESC all on one board for $40 bucks! Requires soldering the VTX and receiver on, but that's no big hassle.

RDQ is blowing out several of it's whoops. Here's a link.

I bought another 75X (for $90, down from 130) and then sprung for the Speedix Rex 80 (haven't even opened the latter).

Let me also put in my vote for Raceday Quads having the best customer service. They are quick, responsive, and I've never had a problem they couldn't solve. There are several good players in the industry, but, based on experience, I look to RDQ first!
Love them whoops! I've become a fan of BetaFPV and have several BetaFPV 75X 2s whoops. They are great fun inside with a 10-20% throttle cut (can be done in betaflight but easiest to do in your remote with OpenTX). And if you want to fly outside, just ditch the throttle cut. As much as I love flying my 5" out at the park, in all honesty, I get more opportunities to fly the whoops at the house.

If you are flying whoops inside, you're going to be doing the "crash, rebuild, repeat" cycle for sure. Which brings me to another thing I like about the BetaFPV whoops. In the past, when I had to replace the FC or ESC on my whoop, they were two separate boards: a $30 FC and a $40 ESC. BetaFPV has a new board that is truly AIO. FC and ESC all on one board for $40 bucks! Requires soldering the VTX and receiver on, but that's no big hassle.

RDQ is blowing out several of it's whoops. Here's a link.

I bought another 75X (for $90, down from 130) and then sprung for the Speedix Rex 80 (haven't even opened the latter).

Let me also put in my vote for Raceday Quads having the best customer service. They are quick, responsive, and I've never had a problem they couldn't solve. There are several good players in the industry, but, based on experience, I look to RDQ first!

I finally got the Mobula 7 HD working and up in the air. RDQ sent me a new camera.

I initially thought that the sensor board was faulty, but once I had another Caddx camera system I was able to do a series of eliminations and the problem was not the sensor board, but it was caused by the coaxial cable, also the v2 coaxial cable is protected properly vs the first version, but I did not want to take any chances and applied liquid electrical tape for extra security and peace of mind [emoji23] and now the camera is solid.

* Cheap wirings and dirty soldering job from the factory.
* Easily over heats

Pros: Fun to fly

But I would never buy another Happy Model drone due to build quality.

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