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Yet another FrSky Receiver not binding


Jun 17, 2021
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I hate to add another thread about FrSky receivers not binding, but I've been searching for a fix for days and just can't find the answer.

I'm a complete beginner, first drone and all that. Bought an R-XSR and a FrSky X-lite (not the pro or S version) and I just cannot get them to bind.
Freshly flashed RXSR_FCC_ACCST_19112.fr to the R-xsr, flashed XJT_NONEU_170317.frk to the internal module, and the x-lite is running on OpenTx
version 2.3.11

When setting the radio into bind mode the screen reads as follows:
Mode XJT D16
Ch.Range CH1 - 8
Receiver 01[Bnd][Rng]
Failsafe No pulses

After binding (which I believe I'm doing correctly; pressing enter on [Bnd], letting it beep, then holding the F/s button on the r-xsr while plugging in the lipo, then pressing enter on the radio)
I power cycle the quad and the receiver shows a blinking red led and solid blue.

I'm at my wit's end with this receiver, but I just don't want to go for broke and get a whole other receiver set up going just because
this is the only thing that's keeping me from getting my first quad in the air.
You might not be holding the button on the receiver for long enough after applying power.
I prefer putting the receiver in bind mode before entering bind on the radio so you can see the receiver is "ready to bind" with both LEDs on, and see one start flashing after entering bind on the radio to confirm it bound.
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I'll give that a try when I get back home. Thanks!
So those two firmwares should be compatible?
Rereading it, no. You flashed XJT firmware to the X-Lite's internal module, but that's not what it needs, it has an "IXJT Lite". That's on the downloads page for the radio as FW-iXJT_Lite_20180416.
Oh my god it worked, receiver is bound and I can see stick movement in betaflight. Thank you so much.
Is there a website or something that tells you what firmwares pair together? It feels like all the experienced pilots have some inside knowledge on which ones work together and which ones don't.
Basically go on the dowlnoads page for the product to get the right files, and match ACCST to ACCST / ACCESS to ACCESS, and V1 to V1 / V2 to V2.

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