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Should a model work for only one binding receiver, right? (with Jumper T-lite)


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2020
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Hi, I have a question about a basic binding concept between transmitter model and drones.

I have 2 drones (A and B) and 1 Jumper T-lite transmitter. The T-lite has 2 models (A & B) for Drone A & B. Both drones are equipped with the same TX receiver model, Futaba R2000SBM S bus.
And I am expecting each receiver has an unique radio frequency although those product model are same. So, a model should only control the binding receiver only.

However, for instance, modelA works for DroneA. Then I switched to modelB in T-lite, but DroneA still can fly with modelB. I am expecting modelB should be able to control only DroneB, but not DroneA. This result confuses me so much!! :eek:

Is this experiment right? Or do I misunderstand something? In other words, can we bind multi receivers to one model accidentally?

Please let me know what's missing, thank you!
Depends on the RF protocol used. Most have a way to differentiate the models nowadays but Futaba S-FHSS doesn't.
>> but Futaba S-FHSS doesn't.
Really!? So do you mean one model can control multi Futaba S-FHSS? In Japan, futaba is the most popular receiver and assume pilots use the same one for drones. How do they fly together?
The receiver is bound to the radio, so only your radio will control that receiver. It's however not bound to the model memory, so the receiver will respond to your radio regardless of what model is selected.
uh, I see, then it's kinda ok as long as not interfering other transmitters. Thank you so much for your answer!

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