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Another avatar question

Greg Vos

Oct 8, 2022
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Apologies for asking stupid questions,
on the motion controller we have a tilt slider button on the LHS what does it do?
the camera ( sight) goes up and down when I move the or pitch the motion controller up or down even in hover if hold the thing steady moving the tilt slider up or down appears to have no effect
help appreciated
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Gimbal control, vertical axis.
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I can hold avata in one place by moving the tilt button it does not move the camera?
I have got it worked out. ..in flight the slider does nothing you cannot control the pitch of the camera with it
Unless you are in RTH mode then the motion controller has no control or effect except the slider that will control the pitch of the camera
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You have to adjust prior to takeoff.
Yes it works prior to take off after that the slider does nothing until you are in RTH mode
I was with the agent today and when I demonstrated this he to was schooled …god imagine I’m flying and a student has to show me something about how our aircraft is operating …I will hang up my wings 😆
Some bad info here...

With the MC, the slider controls the vertical angle of the camera relative to straight, level flight. I.e. when the MC attitude indicator, the box at the bottom center of the goggles view, withe dot, has the dot in the center where the two bisecting lines cross.

While NOT flying straight and level, this angle will be preserved relative to the virtual longitudinal axis of the drone. I say "virtual" because in order to move, the aircraft pitches forward to increase speed. However, what is seen in the display is no pitching up and down with speed changes in level flight because the drone compensates by pitching the gimbal in the opposite direction.

The effect is like flying a fixed-wing aircraft with a control stick, and IMO it's very effective.

By changing the gimbal angle you can look up or down while flying straight and level.

And yes, it works in-flight.
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Some bad info here...

With the MC, the slider controls the vertical angle of the camera relative to straight, level flight. I.e. when the MC attitude indicator, the box at the bottom center of the goggles view, withe dot, has the dot in the center where the two bisecting lines cross.

While NOT flying straight and level, this angle will be preserved relative to the virtual longitudinal axis of the drone. I say "virtual" because in order to move, the aircraft pitches forward to increase speed. However, what is seen in the display is no pitching up and down with speed changes in level flight because the drone compensates by pitching the gimbal in the opposite direction.

The effect is like flying a fixed-wing aircraft with a control stick, and IMO it's very effective.

By changing the gimbal angle you can look up or down while flying straight and level.

And yes, it works in-flight.
So your saying just by hovering in a position the tilt slider will operate the camera pitch? We tried that and it does not work ..in the hover by by moving the MC for and aft the camera responds but not on the slider button it does not work and the local agent saw this yesterday first hand . It does work during the RTH when the MC is in fact not used for any function the idea is that you can then see up or down when the aircraft is flying on auto pilot and returning to its home point (during that time nothing else works on the MC until you deactivate or cancel RTH ) if you. An hover in from of your self and then move the slider and see if the gimbal pitch changes accordingly
We have the last es software in it as well?
Okay, tested this morning.

Good news, DJI FPV functions exactly as I described, which is why I stated as such.

Bad news, not the Avata. The FPV was like this at initial release, then the gimbal angle control started working in flight in a later firmware update.

Let's hope the same happens with the Avata. It's very nice to be able to hold altitude while moving and look down with MC.
The comments were about the avata? Not the fpv version ..and yes we can in the hover simply move the MC for/aft and the camera reacts ….my initial comments are re the slider on the side and I say again it only operates the camera during the RTH unless I’m missing a trick ( and I hope I am)
And again, this is true for the Avata. The FPV does support changing the gimbal angle in flight using the MC. I just did it today.

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