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Battery recommendation...


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
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Hey guys,

Now that I'm flying a bit mor aggressive in Acro mode I'm noticing that my batteries aren't lasting nearly as long. Especially when doing a few punch outs. The ones I'm running now are 3S 2200mah 20C. They've lasted a few months but I think they may be starting to go. Can anyone recommend a replacement? I think I want to stick with 3S for a while longer but may buy 1-2 4S just to try them out.


Thanks, Green! Not in a hurry anymore. They were for my 250B. I've been flying the piss out of all of my birds this week. The weather has been great, especially today, high 50's! Rarely happens in Feb. Anyway, I've been flying all Acro and I'm starting to get the hang of it. I was blasting along with the 250 and the wife came out which startled me and I clipped a tree. All looked okay, cleaned it up a bit and went yo take off. No front motors! They're spinning fine by hand but something's smoked. I quickly looked over the wiring and all looks okay. I'm going to have to tear into it over the next few days.

Jerry, I'm running all Turnigy batts.
I have 4 nanotech a nd 4 Graphene all are 1300 4s the graphene are very punchy I love them and are only 15-20 dollar range, picked them up from Hobby King

I think I want to stick with 3S for a while longer but may buy 1-2 4S just to try them out.

Hey JT, 3S Lipos are 11.1V, 4S Lipos are 14.8V you can not swap them into a 3S system, you can increase your Mah to increase flight time, and you can increase the C rating / Higher the C rating more punch / amps to the motors, but putting a 4S Lipo into a 3S system well lets just say " Break out the Marshmellows "
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Thanks for educating me. I was aware of the different voltage but assumed that many birds could swap between 3S and 4S. I wasn't sure what "magic dust" was used to make this happen but have read many posts of people stating that they use both (?). Fortunately, I haven't run any 4S as 3S has been plenty for me up to this point. Thanks for the info!

Hey JT, 3S Lipos are 11.1V, 4S Lipos are 14.8V you can not swap them into a 3S system, you can increase your Mah to increase flight time, and you can increase the C rating / Higher the C rating more punch / amps to the motors, but putting a 4S Lipo into a 3S system well lets just say " Break out the Marshmellows "

This is not necessarily true. A lot of racers swap between 3 and 4s without changing their setup. It all depends on your setup, i.e. Motor kv, esc amp rating, and max loading. Before anyone can give you advice on whether or not you can run 4s we need to know your exact setup, motors, esc, frame auw, and prop specs. Also, it can be very helpful if you have a pdb that monitors your live current draw.
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Hey guys,

Now that I'm flying a bit mor aggressive in Acro mode I'm noticing that my batteries aren't lasting nearly as long. Especially when doing a few punch outs. The ones I'm running now are 3S 2200mah 20C. They've lasted a few months but I think they may be starting to go. Can anyone recommend a replacement? I think I want to stick with 3S for a while longer but may buy 1-2 4S just to try them out.


You are getting to the point where you will need more powerful lipo's up to 6s maybe. Punch outs etc - hit the lipo with bursts of power usage - and that's probably the main reason they appear to last less and less in flight.
If you do go up in cell numbers - check your ESCs can deal with them - these days most are 3s- 6s capable . I also suggest you check out the Rotor Riot channel on youTube.... check out what the big names use!
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Thanks, Green! Not in a hurry anymore. They were for my 250B. I've been flying the piss out of all of my birds this week. The weather has been great, especially today, high 50's! Rarely happens in Feb. Anyway, I've been flying all Acro and I'm starting to get the hang of it. I was blasting along with the 250 and the wife came out which startled me and I clipped a tree. All looked okay, cleaned it up a bit and went yo take off. No front motors! They're spinning fine by hand but something's smoked. I quickly looked over the wiring and all looks okay. I'm going to have to tear into it over the next few days.


I actually read the thread before jumping in with something A.N .Other had mentioned! My first thought was ESC.s - glad I read the thread... but as a side story... I was setting up a 250 a few weeks back and it was a bit windy at the bottom of my garden where the wind comes up from the left side, sure enough it pushed the 250 over and too near a tin fence( ( aussie normal) being only about 3 feet high... I dropped it into the grass....suddenly a red flash and lots a smoke on one motor - well it was the ESC which burned.
It seems that if there is no brake on the ESC - and power is reduced the Emax 12A ESC keep going a bit.
The default from Emax is brake on- but I always turn it off. To cap it all... two weeks later with a new ESC in place.... it did the same thing again just on a normal landing... and that is why I was about to suggest yours was ESC trouble! Still not sure why I fried two... the replacement has also hit the deck a few times with no ill effects.
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