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Being hassled A LOT!

Jun 23, 2023
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Wondering if anyone else has as many problems with people while trying to shoot real estate? Although I've been shooting professionally for over 45 years I'm pretty new to this drone stuff. I've been "droning" for less than a year and so far I've had a guy come out with a gun threatening to shoot down my drone, two other guys make the same threat although they didn't have gun on them, and one guy today who was nice about it but warned me not to fly where I was, "Or Else!".
I've gone through all the hoops, gotten my Part 107, insurance, all that stuff. But that doesn't seem to make any difference to these people.
Anyone else have this much trouble??????
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Are you trying to record real estate using a FPV drone?
I do a lot of real estate jobs and have never been confronted by anyone while flying or taking stills. One thing you can try is to wear a safety vest. Makes you look professional :)
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Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
I think a lot of it has to do with where you live and the general stigma attached to “drones”. One of the most effective things I have found works is communicating. Before I accept a real estate job from an agent, I tell them how important it is to talk to neighbors of the property I will be shooting with my drone and to make sure they know it is not to “spy” on them. I have had my drones shot at, been cursed at, and threatened just doing simple jobs.

That all said, you probably will never be able to mitigate all of those issues, but if the real estate agent(s) aren’t willing to help you and you still have issues, take the extra time to try and speak with neighboring property owners yourself, even offer them a photo of their property as a good PR move or if they seem intrigued, I’ll let them observe when I’m flying or just give them a quick demo.

There’s so much negativity surrounding drones that we all have to do our best to be ambassadors for the profession/hobby because there are a bunch of idiots out there that don’t give a crap about it other than just doing whatever they want with their drones with no regard for anyone else.

Best of luck to you. A vest could help, but don’t think it’s a magic bullet, preflight communication is my go to method, I do own a vest, but never wear it unless I’m on a highly trafficked road.
Wondering if anyone else has as many problems with people while trying to shoot real estate? Although I've been shooting professionally for over 45 years I'm pretty new to this drone stuff. I've been "droning" for less than a year and so far I've had a guy come out with a gun threatening to shoot down my drone, two other guys make the same threat although they didn't have gun on them, and one guy today who was nice about it but warned me not to fly where I was, "Or Else!".
I've gone through all the hoops, gotten my Part 107, insurance, all that stuff. But that doesn't seem to make any difference to these people.
Anyone else have this much trouble??????
Wear a bright construction safety vest (AKA: Dork vest). I call it "my invisibility cloak." It makes you look official so people don't hassle you. The difference is night and day. It really works.

I know some guys go all out with "official drone pilot" yada, yada. I don't want to advertise that I'm a drone pilot. I just want to look "official." So I have a plain vest, albeit, a nice one....courtesy my business partner.

When threatened with a gun simply aim the drone at them, hit record and tell them go ahead, you are being recorded and I am calling 911.
Wondering if anyone else has as many problems with people while trying to shoot real estate? Although I've been shooting professionally for over 45 years I'm pretty new to this drone stuff. I've been "droning" for less than a year and so far I've had a guy come out with a gun threatening to shoot down my drone, two other guys make the same threat although they didn't have gun on them, and one guy today who was nice about it but warned me not to fly where I was, "Or Else!".
I've gone through all the hoops, gotten my Part 107, insurance, all that stuff. But that doesn't seem to make any difference to these people.
Anyone else have this much trouble??????
I've only had one "confrontation" and it was relatively minor. One thing I ask clients is to, if at all possible, inform their neighbors that someone will be taking photos of the property with a drone. As someone else stated, I wear a high visibility vest as well. If a neighbor comes out to confront you, call the police and let them handle it. Don't engage. They've already shown you their level of intelligence!
One other thing I forgot to add. If you have a DSLR camera or GoPro, record yourself flying the job. It will capture audio and show exactly what happened and what was said.
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One other thing I forgot to add. If you have a DSLR camera or GoPro, record yourself flying the job. It will capture audio and show exactly what happened and what was said.
Man has it really come to the point of wearing a bodycam like a cop just to make a buck with a drone? Sad.
When threatened with a gun simply aim the drone at them, hit record and tell them go ahead, you are being recorded and I am calling 911.

No indication you're joking, hope you were.

NO, don't do this. You may get killed. The worst thing you can do to someone who is already demonstrating irrationality is to antagonize them further. Situations like this all too often result in lost tempers and tragedy.

If anyone, ever, threatens you with a gun in any way your best response is to immediately end operations and pack up, being as polite as possible. Comply with their demands as quickly and safely as you can. If a commercial operation, come back another time to do it. De-escalate, not escalate. They're standing there with a gun!

Then call the police, and let them handle it. DO press charges. TAKE THE HASSLE HIT that dealing with something like this incurs. People willing to make threats with deadly weapons are dangerous, are committing a serious felony, and the rest of us are depending on you to do your social duty to get the guy out of circulation. A responsibility we all share by necessity. 👍
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In my years in this hobby, RE shoots by far have attracted the most complaints and confrontations.

For obvious reasons, seems to me 🙂
No indication you're joking, hope you were.

NO, don't do this. You may get killed. The worst thing you can do to someone who is already demonstrating irrationality is to antagonize them further. Situations like this all too often result in lost tempers and tragedy.

If anyone, ever, threatens you with a gun in any way your best response is to immediately end operations and pack up, being as polite as possible. Comply with their demands as quickly and safely as you can. If a commercial operation, come back another time to do it. De-escalate, not escalate. They're standing there with a gun!

Then call the police, and let them handle it. DO press charges. TAKE THE HASSLE HIT that dealing with something like this incurs. People willing to make threats with deadly weapons are dangerous, are committing a serious felony, and the rest of us are depending on you to do your social duty to get the guy out of circulation. A responsibility we all share by necessity. 👍
Thanks, we think alike.
The guy in that video may be related to the three people I've encountered. Well, probably not, but they sure went to the same English classes. Every other work was a cuss word. I guess that makes them feel tough, eh? Their anger is an expression of fear, it's that simple. Like a cornered animal growls because it's afraid. Idiots like the guy in that video and the people I've run into live in fear. Kinda sad actually...

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