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Build thread Tomoquads Predator X 115mm

Hi green,
That looks like a piece of art...
I like it a lot!!!!

Beautiful wiring.
Got it sorted. Had to do one splice but it still came out pretty clean. On to betaflight and bl-heli config tonight after work if I am not too tired. Props are out for delivery today.
Sounds great green,
I am sure it looks beautiful...
When is the maiden flight?

Looking great!
Thinking about doing a micro, just received a f3 v4 aio fc today. Made a post on it
I am very excited to fly it. 3" Props on that size frame should make it very fast. But it was definitely more of a challenge to build than my 230mm 5" was.
Yeah, I'm hoping my new fc helps in that department. The esc signal pads are pretty small on it. Beautiful build you have there!
Hi Green,
That thing looks mean and ready to scream.
There is no way your not going to fly that little Beas before next Sunday!!!....that is if your anything like me....effort equals reward:)
I am having a heck of a time finding 3" 4 blade props from somewhere in the us ...help

I had a bit of a scare with the build today. When I got to motor testing, motor 4 was not responding at all. All the connections looked good so I thought maybe I had a bad 4in1 ESC.

Right before I decided to swap two motors to diagnose, I thought to try oneshot instead of dshot D600 which is digital. Well, motor 4 was working after all. Some googling led me to discover there is a DMA conflict on the Emax Femto with motor port 4.

Luckily there is a solution. You can wire motor 4 to the PPM pad and use CLI to reassign PPM pad to motor 4. Success! It is now working with dshot D600.

For reference, here are the commands, taken from the dshot wiki from github.

Connect motor 4 to PPM pad and enter following in the CLI.
resource ppm none
resource motor 4 A15
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Dang. I got the drone 100% finished last night, with the beeper being the final arrival in the mail. I got it all installed and shrink wrapped my receiver antenna to a zip tie, done.

Well, I decided today that I didn't really like how close the beeper wires were to the props. While attempting to remove the shrink wrap from the antenna... I yanked the stupid tiny antenna out of the receiver!

On the bright side, the required full tear-down including desoldering the motors from the ESC will give me a chance to fix a couple things I didn't like. :o xD
****, that suck s, Man! But I've been there and done that! I've ripped X-Ray apart 3-4 times already. Good luck, Green, I can't wait to see that thing in the air!


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