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Custom ZMR 250 built


Active Member
Sep 27, 2017
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Las Vegas
Armed with AutoCAD and a 3D printer and fresh after my ZMR-210 build I am starting on a very custom ZMR-250 build.

I will post my progress over the next few weeks or months on this thread for those who are interested. I am looking for constructive feedback so don't be shy.

I will also attach the AutoCAD 2018 DWG files and / or photos as I go.

Design Ideas:
  • Fast! get hot motors and 3 or 4 cell battery.
  • Camera auto tilt from FC or arduino
  • Battery as center of mass as possible. This seems to be the heaviest part and I am thinking centering the battery will help with the performance of the drone. More on that soon.
  • 3D printed suspended FC tray to reduce vibration
  • Lights on arms to tell direction when not FPV
What I have so far:
  • ZMR-250 Clone Frame off Ebay. It's at least all carbon fiber, with no filler so that is good. But the milling on the frame is not perfect.
  • Crap load of 2mm, 2.5mm and 3mm hardware
  • new roll of PLA
To do list:
  • Draw each part of the ZMR-250 Frame into AutoCAD
  • Pick out components: Motors, FC, PDB, Receiver, ESC, Camera, so on and so forth.
  • Purchase the stuff.
  • Design
  • Print
  • Build
Awesome, can't wait! When you say hot motors do you mean high kv? I have learned the hard (hard meaning expensive) way high kv motors are great for really high speed but kinda suck as far as maneuverability. It takes them a second or two to spool up and that can make the difference in hitting a gap and not hitting it :eek:. Lower (1800-2400kv) motors are plenty fast and will be really responsive to throttle commands. Needless to say, I have a pretty good pile of high kv motors not being used. That being said, the Emax 2306 2750 kv motors are extremely fast if ya have plenty of space to open them up. I also have a set of Raceflight 2308 2600kv motors that are almost as fast but are extremely smooth and quiet.
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Armed with AutoCAD and a 3D printer and fresh after my ZMR-210 build I am starting on a very custom ZMR-250 build.

I will post my progress over the next few weeks or months on this thread for those who are interested. I am looking for constructive feedback so don't be shy.

I will also attach the AutoCAD 2018 DWG files and / or photos as I go.

Design Ideas:
  • Fast! get hot motors and 3 or 4 cell battery.
  • Camera auto tilt from FC or arduino
  • Battery as center of mass as possible. This seems to be the heaviest part and I am thinking centering the battery will help with the performance of the drone. More on that soon.
  • 3D printed suspended FC tray to reduce vibration
  • Lights on arms to tell direction when not FPV
What I have so far:
  • ZMR-250 Clone Frame off Ebay. It's at least all carbon fiber, with no filler so that is good. But the milling on the frame is not perfect.
  • Crap load of 2mm, 2.5mm and 3mm hardware
  • new roll of PLA
To do list:
  • Draw each part of the ZMR-250 Frame into AutoCAD
  • Pick out components: Motors, FC, PDB, Receiver, ESC, Camera, so on and so forth.
  • Purchase the stuff.
  • Design
  • Print
  • Build
You forgot "repeat" after build on your to do list...lol
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Reactions: Jtrjr and Wayno52
Can your printer use TPU? It is the best material for quad parts usually. I have been printing with Sainsmart TPU for a couple weeks with good results on my new monoprice maker select plus (wanhao i3 plus). I am interested to see what you come up with!
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Reactions: Jtrjr and Wayno52

Sounds super cool! I'll be following this thread carefully. I really like the approach you're taking. Call on me if I can be of any assistance and good luck. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.

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Here is what I have designed so far.

ZMR250version1-3d.png ZMR250version1-Top.png ZMR250version1-Side.png ZMR250version1-Front.png

I picked up a Betaflight F4 AIO Flight Controller.

Need to draw up the motors and FPV camera system. Then design housings for everything.
I also need to start calculating center of mass to see if where I want it to be.
Looking good, actually looks like the first mini quad i purchased, the speedix s250 pro
Here is what I have for the day. I think this is going to be the base to build the rest.
Kind of like the idea of offsetting the arms vertically, like my Mavic.
This will work with 5" (inner circle), 6" (mid circle), 6.5" props (transparent circle).
Also changed the battery to a 1800 70c 4s battery.ZMR250version1.1-3d.png ZMR250version1.1-front.png
Change of pace today. I decided to make a cave / mine exploring drone. I am using these parts to make a drone in a sphere. Still have a bunch of work designing the Sphere but I am getting there.
Once of the goals to to build it on the cheap so when I loose it, I can just build another and try again.

The idea around having it in a sphere that is mounted to a gyro is that when it hits a wall it will roll or bounce off. Here are some pics of the build so far.
2018-01-05_15-32-17 design progress.png
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