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DJI Avata ascend and descend speed


Active Member
Jan 20, 2023
Reaction score
Hello all,

I’m thinking about buying a DJI Avata.

How fast is the ascend and descend speed in manual mode?

I’ve checked the specs on DJI’s website and cannot seem to find any information. They only list the ascend / descend speed of 6m/s in sport mode.


About 10m/s up without pushing it - down well it's manual so freefall or more if you really want, easily 30+...
About 10m/s up without pushing it - down well it's manual so freefall or more if you really want, easily 30+...
Yup, but the FC does actively hold attitude, which isn't entirely free, but at nits I do pick... 😁
if you want to nit pick this, when I force my avata down it shakes like a midair earthquake badly......i mean like 9.6 bad.......I bring it down the best it can......but other drones I have like a good 5" quad will fall out of the sky compared to my experience with the avata......

But again, this is not a racing drone so this is to be expected. I gave the Avata a 9.6 out of 10 in my review. Take the good with the bad, overall it is awesome IMHO.

And I preface that with some of these guys will fly this thing down the face of an 1800 foot tall building without flinching in Manual Mode, so I am very impressed at what the Avata can do, not that I do that with mine......Yet. :cool:
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just remember in m mode gravity is u enemy lol
Quite the opposite. Without gravity, you would pretty much be unable to fly. Especially in manual.

The entire control scheme would have to be modified to support motor reversal with some as-yet-undefined stick movement/positioning.
if you want to nit pick this, when I force my avata down it shakes like a midair earthquake badly......i mean like 9.6 bad.......I bring it down the best it can......but other drones I have like a good 5" quad will fall out of the sky compared to my experience with the avata......

But again, this is not a racing drone so this is to be expected. I gave the Avata a 9.6 out of 10 in my review. Take the good with the bad, overall it is awesome IMHO.

And I preface that with some of these guys will fly this thing down the face of an 1800 foot tall building without flinching in Manual Mode, so I am very impressed at what the Avata can do, not that I do that with mine......Yet. :cool:
Yeah the prop wash on decent is terrible. There's a frame upgrade available that takes you from 3 inch to 3.5, and 4 bolt motor mount pattern.

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