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Drone from China


The XR8 is a great TX but it's a bit clumsy (too big) for some builds. I have one in my X-Speed 250B. The XSR is just a lot more compact and lighter.

Thanks for the info. I checked the dimensions to compare to my old receiver (TS-IA6B) and they are almost identical, which is a good thing. Like you said, I read good reviews on the X8R that it seemed like the logical choice. In the future I'll check for alternative (lighter) choices.
I was able to get out and fly again today (8 batteries in total) had 1 slight crash and it bent the battery cage.
and it also bent the antenna sma connector on the top plate and is now loose (and spins all the way around) so I'm worried if it lands hard or hits the antenna again it will fully break off!
sent VIFLY tech support and will see what they say.
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Sounds like you had some fun! I've been flying Acro the past few days. It's a blast but I've wrecked three birds. One is back up, one will be back up in a few hours and the last one (PP200) is going to take some time. Flying weather has been pretty good lately. A little windy but in the 40's. I love Acro but can't seem to get the flips and rolls down. Wrecked all 3 birds practicing! Hoping to fly some more today.

I am still in Horizon, and am getting used to the fast turns etc. would like to try acro and do flips etc.
Take a look on youtube (rotor riot) they have a full set of vids. on tricks with stick shots to help rookies out.


I'm just coming out of Horizon but just so you know, you can do flips and rolls in Horizon. I've actually gotten pretty good at doing them but it's very different in Acro.

HHMM maybe I'm doing something wrong then cuz I try to do them and have came really close to crashing, It seems it try's to self level while trying the flip etc. and is correcting what I'm trying
Any tips would be great!
switch is all the way up.
also I have it where the motors are full stop when armed, and I think this may contribute to the "falling like a rock"
kinda thing! LMAO
Also I have cleanflight on my 220 should I maybe try and put betaflight on instead? Is it any better?
You may need to go in cleanflight and see what mode is where on that switch. Look on the modes tab with your receiver powered up.

Betaflight has nice stock PIDs. I switch all mine to Betaflight but it's up to you.
Hey guys, sorry to necro here.

I'm running a ViFly R220 and after reading up on flight controllers and their firmware I decided it would be worth updating mine. I ensured that I was flashing the correct firmware for the model and that I had all of the correct drivers installed. (Note that I was able to connect to Cleanflight and change settings without issue prior). Despite this, I received errors such as "No response from the bootloader, programming: FAILED" and "STM32 Communication failed, wrong response, expected: 121 (0x79 received: 0 (0x0)" I had received the No response error before and was able to use Cleanflight without issue, this time something was different. After some further reading on unbricking these, it recommends that you short the boot pads with flash on connect enabled in cleanflight. I am unable to find any pads/pins with reference to boot on the FC or the motherboard. Any ideas?

Best I can tell that bird comes with an SPR F3 flight controller board. Take a look at the link I'm sending. The first picture on the lower right of the top of the board is where the boot loader pins are. There are a lot of videos on YT that should help you get it going again.


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Iron I have a 220 as well and per Vifly (on the FB page ) they will be releasing betaflight for the 220!
So we all can flash betaflight to our quads, so be patient we will get the update soon!

Hey Jerry,

That was initially the board that I thought was inside as all details (cleanflight included) mentioned SPR F3, hence I attempted to flash the latest Seriously Pro firmware. However I am having some doubts looking at the internals. See attached images (thumbnailed).

Would it be the case here that the green board is the Flight Controller itself? If so, it doesn't have any marked boot pins. The other option is the Flight Controller is the board with the USB port, which seemed likely to me at first, although it still appears to be different to the images you supplied.

Photo 26-02-2017, 4 20 10 PM.jpg Photo 26-02-2017, 4 20 45 PM.jpg Photo 26-02-2017, 4 20 50 PM.jpg Photo 26-02-2017, 4 21 09 PM.jpg

I have also contacted ViFly Support in the hopes of some insight there.

Iron I have a 220 as well and per Vifly (on the FB page ) they will be releasing betaflight for the 220!
So we all can flash betaflight to our quads, so be patient we will get the update soon!


Mark, thanks for the info, I don't check the ViFly Facebook page too regularly. To clarify here, even though the Flight Controller is effectively soft-bricked, once they release the Betaflight variation and I follow their guide I should be able to recover the board and it will function as per normal right? From what I can tell, the bootloader is stored in ROM and therefore impossible to brick, so even with the screw-up it's possible to restore.

Forgive my ignorance, despite my research I am still very new to the hobby. :)


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