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Drone from China


Now that's some wide, open space! Looks like you're getting the hang of things. I felt that "feeling" at around the 2:50 mark when recovery is the ultimate relief! Thanks for sharing. I wish more folks would post some videos. I love watching guys like Raymon who really know how to fly but it's good to see the guys that are new like us. Gives a bit of appreciation and a different perspective.

Glad to hear Jerry!
I have not ran to many batt. Through mine as of yet with the rain and damp ground around here. Still wanting to start using the Simulator to help with my stick controls.

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Now that's some wide, open space! Looks like you're getting the hang of things. I felt that "feeling" at around the 2:50 mark when recovery is the ultimate relief! Thanks for sharing. I wish more folks would post some videos. I love watching guys like Raymon who really know how to fly but it's good to see the guys that are new like us. Gives a bit of appreciation and a different perspective.


Yeah man, there were so many crazy places to fly, we had to go way out to get away from campers, dirt bikes, etc. that was one of my first flights getting used to the area, the terrain was awesome. I was like, how far out am I willing to recover my drone, rattle snakes, etc. but the ground was soft and was easy to walk around. We were flying pretty good before we were done. Flying low along the roads, it was cool. It took my skills up a notch, from noob to noob novice. Lol

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Hey Guy's!
I was able to do some flying this morning since the weather was beautiful today (60 degrees and sunny) and no wind, I was able to fly 4 straight packs and I'm starting to get the hang of the stick movements.

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On the VIFLY 220's what is the stock low voltage setting?
The reason I ask, today when flying the buzzer went off and I landed,changed batt. and went back flying etc.
when I got home this evening I went to check my batts. and they were all 14.01,14.02 range and barely low (running 4S 1300) there was only one that was 13.65.
That sound weird?
well the reason I'm asking is it sounds as if I'm not using all the juice from a charged battery, because I only had to charge all 4 batteries for maybe 5 min and it seems odd that I'm not using the entire pack!
Do you have an OSD showing voltage during flight? That sounds a bit early to me for an alarm, but you don't want them to go below 13V under load for best longevity. Personally, I abuse the crap out of my batteries because they were cheap and I want new ones anyways. I store them in a fireproof bag on a concrete floor though. :D
Ok, so If I understand you correctly, You will not be really draining the batteries fully then?
I did get around 8-10 min (not crazy speeds by any means lmao) just kinda puttering around.
Yeah if you want the batteries to last for many recharge cycles. I usually drain mine down to just over 12V (sag) under load most of the time but that is not really good for them.
Hey Guy's hope your weather is as beautiful as mine is today!!
it's 61 and sunny!
I took the quad out today to fly at the local H.S. out at the football field (has artificial turf) super nice and cush !
I flew a20170205_125445.jpg ll 4 batts. again and am doing pretty decent.
On another note I ordered a set of FPV goggles so when they show up I'll give them a try and see how it goes.
Her is a shot of the quad from today. I made a few changes, I'm using DAL cyclone props, aneato strap (has rubber on it) and detailed the frame a bit.

Don't know much about the R220 but it's a fairly simple process. You should be able to replace your existing receiver with a FrSky. I would think the XSR would work pretty well. I'm using it on most of my birds now.


Don't know much about the R220 but it's a fairly simple process. You should be able to replace your existing receiver with a FrSky. I would think the XSR would work pretty well. I'm using it on most of my birds now.


Thanks for your comment. Yeah, you're right, I can switch out the old receiver with a new one I just purchased (FrSky X8R). I bought a new FrSky Taranis Plus because I wanted a better radio and I recently built a Tiny Whoop with a FuriousFPV FC and receiver binds with FrSky. It works great, I wanted to use one transmitter for all the devices I will build in the future.

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