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Drone from China

BTW I want to give a big Thank You to (the green orange ) for your help as well as jerry and Scott for the help and advice as well!
with members like you that is what makes this hobby/sport what it is!
I am NOT a computer tech savy kinda guy so all this is like speaking GREEK to me but i'm trying my best

Thank's again Guy's
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Hey Guy's I flew the drone tonight when I got home it hit the ground (not to hard and flipped over)
When I tried to arm it I get nothing.
Switched batteries,turned off radio tried again and nothing...any Ideas

Might need to open it up and make sure nothing came loose. You could try and recalibrate the accelerometer in cleanflight as well.
Hey Guy's I flew the drone tonight when I got home it hit the ground (not to hard and flipped over)
When I tried to arm it I get nothing.
Switched batteries,turned off radio tried again and nothing...any Ideas

Yes dude, look through this topic and you will see my post regarding flight controller get dislocated after hitting the ground. I posted pictures and how to fix it... look up in this topic a few days ago.

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I remember the post now!
Well my drama continues....I am in the process of removing the button heads from the bottom plate (the small ones)
since they use (I'm guessing 2mm ) screws for this the 1.5 mm allen doesnt fit to secure and they are fairly tight I have stripped 4 of them and cannot remove the lower plate!
Oh bummer. Yeah, you have to clean the button heads free of dirt, etc before trying to loosen them. If stripped, you can use little vice-grips on them.. gonna have to replace those bolts anyway. You have to remove motor bolts too.

Oh bummer. Yeah, you have to clean the button heads free of dirt, etc before trying to loosen them. If stripped, you can use little vice-grips on them.. gonna have to replace those bolts anyway. You have to remove motor bolts too.


Careful, those are hex head not Allen, you need the hex drivers for those.

Good news...It's back together (with the Mod from cavalleydude)
Thank's Man
Ok, will do I was just getting ready to do that (was thinking maybe titanium would be worth a try) do to them being a bit tougher
All the ones I have on the bottom are button head
Plate are 2.5mm x 10mm
Motors are 3mm x 10mm per Vifly Tim sent me a email letting me know
Yeah when I saw them when I pulled it out of the box I thought they were pretty small
most Co. use 3mm for the plate etc. right?
Yeah, M3 seems to be standard. Also, you might want to measure the length of your existing motor screws if you replace them. 10mm seems sort of long, and you don't want them too long or they can short out the motor. I would expect 8mm but I could be wrong. I guess the guy knows his own drones...

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