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Eachine Wizard 220 manual

I am getting closer to flying again. I have a couple of potential spotters lined up. I have also bought a light unit for the back of the aircraft to help me with orientation. The question I have is about that light unit. It can be programmed through beta flight, it I have the remaining channels used up by an arm switch and the modes. The question is can I also trigger the lights auto come on with the same switch as the arming? I know there is soldering to be done, but I have done that for many years so it doesn’t bother me. I would be so grateful for your advice as ever.
So after many weeks of bad weather, wind (not mine), no partner, bad health and various other things I finally got to fly it. Not very far this time. Two sets of props, four or five crashes, and one half landing. Sounds normal I guess. Got a lot of setting up to do methink. It is tending to spin around on the yaw axis, and drifts to the right. But I got her in the air and got her back down again and more importantly back home this time. Progress!
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Hi Embay, did you plug the quad into the USB on a PC and do configuration in Betaflight? It sounds like your endpoints and midpoints may not be correct if it is yawing on it's own.
I did plug it in to the computer and set very basic things, not end points, mid poi to or indeed many other things. So that is what I am going to learn about next. I have already found a couple of videos to help. If there is anything else you think I should check please do tell. I am not on the latest version of beta flight as I wanted to get all working on the current one first. Step at a time. I am determined to get it working well.
When I got my first real quad, i played with it for 2 weeks. Everytime I got the FC to see my sticks through the RX it would stop working a short time later. Finally I upgraded BF and my problems all went away. I doubt that is the case for you, but I wouldn't necessarily wait til the end. One of the big reasons is that when you do upgrade you lose all your settings, and it could even be that a reflash will fix some things. So I would at least go to 3.2.5, the others are still a bit new and could have some issues for the beginner, and the menus in the configurator will change a bit from rev to rev.

2 questions, what rev BF is on it, and remind me the make and model of your TX, that will help me to know if you need any endpoints set. I assume that you checked that all midpoints were 1500 in the BF configurator Receiver tab?

You are doing great, keep learning and asking questions, you will get there!
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When I got my first real quad, i played with it for 2 weeks. Everytime I got the FC to see my sticks through the RX it would stop working a short time later. Finally I upgraded BF and my problems all went away. I doubt that is the case for you, but I wouldn't necessarily wait til the end. One of the big reasons is that when you do upgrade you lose all your settings, and it could even be that a reflash will fix some things. So I would at least go to 3.2.5, the others are still a bit new and could have some issues for the beginner, and the menus in the configurator will change a bit from rev to rev.

2 questions, what rev BF is on it, and remind me the make and model of your TX, that will help me to know if you need any endpoints set. I assume that you checked that all midpoints were 1500 in the BF configurator Receiver tab?

You are doing great, keep learning and asking questions, you will get there!
Currently I am using version 1.31 with my Flysky transmitter that came with the quad. I have checked my midpoints, and gone through all of the settings following on Joshua Barwells video. Sadly I discovered that making a couple of the suggested changes stopped the transmitter working with the receiver, so I have kept it very limited. Endpoints, yaw offset, things like that. Set an arm switch, and set a flight mode switch. Since then rain has beset our parched part of the world, along with an exacerbation in my condition,so maybe, just maybe, I might be able to try to fly tomorrow.
It is certainly learning curve trying to get this little beast flying reasonably well. For now though I will be happy if I can get it to hover sensibly, and land, without drifting off or wanting to roll over and die.
Hi Embay, 1.3.1 is not the Betaflight rev. When you plug into the PC and hit connect in Betaflight Configurator it will show what BF rev in the top left area. Hit the "Show Log" on the right side and scroll up to see what it is. As you can see below my rev is 3.4.0


Hi Embay, 1.3.1 is not the Betaflight rev. When you plug into the PC and hit connect in Betaflight Configurator it will show what BF rev in the top left area. Hit the "Show Log" on the right side and scroll up to see what it is. As you can see below my rev is 3.4.0

View attachment 2492

View attachment 2491
Apologies for the confusion, as you know thi sis all new to me. I did as you have shown and these are the log results.

2018-08-02 @ 10:13:47 -- Flight controller info, identifier: BTFL, version: 3.0.1
2018-08-02 @ 10:13:47 -- Running firmware released on: Oct 18 2016 10:35:52
2018-08-02 @ 10:13:47 -- Board: SRF3, version: 0
2018-08-02 @ 10:13:47 -- Unique device ID: 0x2700265634571320353233
2018-08-02 @ 10:13:47 -- Craft name:

The version number of BF is 10.3.1. I know its not quite the latest version but I wanted to get things up and running before chucking another fly into my ointment. On the other hand if you think I am too way off the mark and it will help to upgrade then I shall happily do so.
Ok Embay, I would suggest you upgrade that to 3.4.0 first before going any further. In the configurator, go to CLI tab and type in "diff all" and then hit "save to file" in the bottom right. Once that is saved go watch Bardwell or Project Blue Falcon on how to upgrade Betaflight. when it is upgraded cut and paste that "diff all" data back into the CLI, hit return an then type "save" and hit a return. Any questions let me know.
Ok Embay, I would suggest you upgrade that to 3.4.0 first before going any further. In the configurator, go to CLI tab and type in "diff all" and then hit "save to file" in the bottom right. Once that is saved go watch Bardwell or Project Blue Falcon on how to upgrade Betaflight. when it is upgraded cut and paste that "diff all" data back into the CLI, hit return an then type "save" and hit a return. Any questions let me know.

The version is 3.0.1 not 10.3.1, and it is too old and not a good revision to be on.
Ok, so I have downloaded the new BF and run that on my Mac. Kept the old one coz I do things like that. Cannot find the CLI as it needs to update the firmware on the machine first I think. Connecting to the quad shows the one to use is NAZE. I believe that is the one I should use.
Ok, so I have downloaded the new BF and run that on my Mac. Kept the old one coz I do things like that. Cannot find the CLI as it needs to update the firmware on the machine first I think. Connecting to the quad shows the one to use is NAZE. I believe that is the one I should use.[/
I think I have now managed to get all updated. these are the latest from the log

2018-08-02 @ 14:38:27 -- Running - OS: MacOS, Chrome: 67.0.3396.62, Configurator: 10.3.1
2018-08-02 @ 14:38:28 -- Loaded release information for configurator from GitHub.
2018-08-02 @ 14:39:45 -- Serial port successfully opened with ID: 1
2018-08-02 @ 14:39:45 -- MultiWii API version: 1.39.0
2018-08-02 @ 14:39:45 -- Flight controller info, identifier: BTFL, version: 3.4.1
2018-08-02 @ 14:39:45 -- Running firmware released on: Aug 2 2018 08:29:55
2018-08-02 @ 14:39:45 -- Board: SRF3, version: 0
2018-08-02 @ 14:39:45 -- Unique device ID: 0x2700265634571320353233
2018-08-02 @ 14:39:45 -- Craft name:

Got the Aux switches asa before, and the Yaw correction too. Tried copying across the file you asked me to save. All was well there except it did not want to go into the syste, as nothing changed. I have thus done it manually as there was little that had changed. Unless you can think of anything else I should do in terms of changes, I believe I need to see how well or if the quad flies now.
The BF "target" as it is called is NOT Naze, it is "SPRACINGF3" as denoted by the "SRF3" in your Betaflight Configurator output. The CLI is the last tab in the configurator and is always there at the bottom of the list. Sounds like you got it all sorted though.
So eventually it all came together. Wind, rain, people, me. Managed to get the quad down to the beach. All the props on, freshly charged battery. Got the quad on the launch mat, switched on the transmitter. Flipped the arming switch and moved the throttle. Up it went, reasonably well controlled. Kept it to a low level and close by but I got a flight out of it, well quite a few actually. Some were ended with a forced landing because of people/dogs etc. But I actually made it after all these months. So I got there but I know there is still much to do. The controls are too sensitive for me, and the aircraft seemed to bob about like a cork in the ocean. But those are the next step. Thanks to you all for your help and encouragement. I would not have got here without you.
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