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Eachine Wizard x220 not taking off

Ok I’ll try that. I’m super new to lipos, my thinking was that 3.75 out of a maxed 4.2 per cell wasn’t too low to at least get a hover test in.
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Ok I’ll try that. I’m super new to lipos, my thinking was that 3.75 out of a maxed 4.2 per cell wasn’t too low to at least get a hover test in.
3.75 should definitely get you off the ground, it is a drained battery but is plenty to get up and hover. I just can't for the life of me figure out what could cause this other than a bad motor or something. This is for some other cheap drone, but the theory should still hold. It may be a bit tricky to test this safely but if one motor is weak and cant spin up fast enough to do its part the FC wont let the other ones either or the quad wont stay level. You might want to watch this quick vid and see if you can SAFELY try to experiment with what yours does. I would NOT however use full throttle as ours is not the toy that the one in the video is.

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3.75 should definitely get you off the ground, it is a drained battery but is plenty to get up and hover. I just can't for the life of me figure out what could cause this other than a bad motor or something. This is for some other cheap drone, but the theory should still hold. It may be a bit tricky to test this safely but if one motor is weak and cant spin up fast enough to do its part the FC wont let the other ones either or the quad wont stay level. You might want to watch this quick vid and see if you can SAFELY try to experiment with what yours does. I would NOT however use full throttle as ours is not the toy that the one in the video is.

Thanks for this, I’ll try again tomorrow and will try posting a video as well. Mine really doesn’t get off the ground at all, just revs up and stays pretty flat. Would the esc calibration in BF show any issues with a faulty motor? Thanks again!
No but if you can dump the black box data and look at it in blackbox explorer it might. Find and clear the log in betaflight and then try to takeoff and then get the log off the quad. In black box explorer it will show throttle percentage and look for one to be at 100 while the others are much less

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I still owe you the details of black box, but here’s a quick video of the wizard attempting to hover. This is at full throttle and as you see it’ll just start to skim a little. I also charged the battery full

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Its pretty dark in the vid, and it sure seems like you are getting the rpms for flight based on the sound of your motors compared to mine.
Where are you at Mike, maybe we could facetime or something, it can be a lot easier when I can see, ask questions, and have you check things along the way. I will try to get a video tomorrow and get it posted so you have something to compare to.
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Yeah, it's definitely loud :) I've triple-checked the props but couldn't say I'm 100% confident, here's a pic of my quad facing frontward. The motors with the black nuts have the props labeled R on them. I've tightened them pretty well. As for reversed motors, how would I tell that?

Sorry brother, it sure looks like those props are on wrong, Wayno was right, the simple is the first place to look. Put the props on the right in this picture on the left and vice versa. Once you do... DO NOT HIT THAT THROTTLE like you were... to the moon!
But make sure you do your lean test with ONLY right stick and once you are certain the quad is acting as it should, give it a good enough throttle to hover and don't mess around with trying to lift too slowly, wind friction caused by close proximity to the ground can cause flipovers and general instability so get a little height as quick as you can to avoid it.
Oh, and have fun and don't stay in self leveling mode too long.
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Oh man... so I'm confused... if I swap left for right, then my "R" props won't be on the black motors, if I swap diagonally (left-top to bottom-right, vice-versa) then the props are exactly the same. I pulled up some pics of other wizards with their props on and they do look different if I observe the blade's direction. Do I disregard the "R" designations and make it look like the below?

2 things...
The props I see in your picture are not the ones that came with my wizard X220, they look like the ones that come with the X220S, they look like a 5045 instead of a 5040, and those will be a little harder for a new pilot to control but will give better top end. I don't think that is what you want just yet but they will work.

Unless you have switched the direction of rotation on purpose, which is a real thing that some are doing, then your motors will always turn the prop into the front and back and out of the middle. I don't know how the props on your black nuts can be labeled R as they clearly will only create lift spinning counterclockwise from the picture of yours I see. The ones on your picture on the silver nuts will clearly produce lift spinning tin the clockwise (Right) direction. Yes make your qwad's props look like the picture in your last post, and try it.

Oh, and you may want to think about modding your bird, the LED's are a big problem and it is not set up to survive even a small crash right now so be very careful or you will be repairing it very soon. Try to stay over grass and fairly low.
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BTW, that last picture (the marketing glossy you posted last) shows the original X220 props that shipped to me with my wizards (all 3 of them) and look like a 5040. the ones on your bird are a lot steeper at/near the hub especially. Did those props come with your X220?
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Oh it flies great now :)
So basically for some weird reason my R props need to be on the silver nuts...

To answer your question, those were the props that came with mine, it's the ARF build from banggood.

Thanks so much for the help!
it's the ARF build from banggood.

??? I thought you had the RTF with Flysky RC and receiver already installed, battery, charger etc, and NOT the ARF that comes with no RC or receiver or anything, just the bird and some props???

Anyway, glad your flying, be careful and enjoy!

Cheers! And happy flying!
Hey folks, a quick update and a question, took the wizard out this past weekend with my daughter and had a blast (need more batteries!!). I’ve got some dalprop t5040c props coming soon so this will help with the weirdness around the props the bird shipped with being switched. One weird thing also with those props, the front left prop I noticed was actually hitting the corner standoff on the frame, I ended up taking that standoff off the frame making sure the others are tightened. I’m anticipating the new props coming won’t have this issue but if m curious if others have seen this issue with other birds.
There should be enough clearance between the prop tip and the standoff, not much but at least a couple milimeters. Are you sure something isn't lose? And I hope you don't mean that you have permanently removed that standoff, it won't do well in a crash without it.
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