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Eachine Wizard x220 not taking off

Yes, it’s only the front left prop (as you’re looking head on at the craft). I plan to put it back on once new props are in. I noticed this before it’s maiden flight so there’s been no crash that could attribute to this, the crashes it’s had so far have been real mild, still getting comfortable with flying on angle mode. When I closely inspect the frame everything seems nice and symmetrical, the motor in question doesn’t seem to be crooked or bent, swapping the props with another set doesn’t help.
Ok Mike, I would say first of all no props should be hitting anything. As you said you noticed it at the start. Before your maiden.
You should not have flown.
You should have sent it back.
Yeah, I initially thought maybe the way I put the side plates back on I'd shifted something. So before heading to work, I put the standoff back on, something is definitely a little weird, because now the prop doesn't hit the standoff, but when you compare the gap between prop and standoff on that corner, it's much tighter of a gap, the other props clear their standoff by 3-4 millimeters, the tight one is maybe 1mm. The frame appears solid, same with motor. I'll keep an eye on this, definitley don't want to fly with a standoff off :(
This is a couple days old but I'm basically having the same problem mike was. I set everything up in bf and went to do a test flight and couldn't get off of the ground. I could tilt with yaw and roll to eventually flip myself but I could never lift off. I thought that it was the same problem mike had with the props being reversed so I switched them out but now it just sits flatly and spins so I know that the props were right the first time.

All of the motors get full power but when I throttle up I get no lift. Hopefully someone sees this and can give me some ideas. I can post video/pictures if need be once someone replies.
Just wanted you guys to know that it turns out that it was the battery not being fully charged. Thanks for that suggestion. Happy flying.
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So bad news, turns out that my quick test this morning was a lie. The wizard took off but flipped immediately but I was in a hurry so I thought it was fine since that was different than what had happened previously. Turns out that I can't get it to take off properly and it just immediately flips. I took a quick video

and here is a picture of my props.

Any help would be appreciated.
In betaflight, under configuration i think, you can change your flight controller orientation. One of the members with a wizard will hopefully lets us know what its suposed to be so you can check yours.
Also, go into the motors tab WITH PROPS OFF and check that your motors are turning the proper direction
So the motors all seem to be going the right way to me. I thought that might have been it too.The orientation is currently set to Quad X which is the default in BF i believe. I can take screenshots of my settings in BF if needed
Also, go into the motors tab WITH PROPS OFF and check that your motors are turning the proper direction
I figured it out. Seems the board was set wrong and so pitch/yaw/roll are all incorrect. Pitch is roll, yaw is pitch, etc. Is there an easier way to correct those other than guessing the degrees that you need to change?
Ok so definitely fixed it now. Turns out that all of the axis's were wrong and I had to manually change them. Flies perfectly now. Thanks for the help.
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i have exact same problem to a T
Hello @Devon6900, welcome to the forum!
If you read back from the beginning and understand everything that happened, it turned out that the props were on wrong and he had his Channel Mapping set incorrectly or the FC Orientation was incorrect. All pretty basic issues when you are new to the hobby, we can try to help, maybe a short video of whats happening and a picture of the quad so we can see your prop direction.
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Hello @Devon6900, welcome to the forum!
If you read back from the beginning and understand everything that happened, it turned out that the props were on wrong and he had his Channel Mapping set incorrectly or the FC Orientation was incorrect. All pretty basic issues when you are new to the hobby, we can try to help, maybe a short video of whats happening and a picture of the quad so we can see your prop direction.
The black nut
turn clockwise. and counter clockwise for silver nut

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