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FPV Video has static Horizontal Lines but see a picture


New Member
Jun 29, 2019
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Hi all, so I'm having problems with my fpv video. This is my first time fpv.
The camera I use is a 2.3mm 700TVL 1/3 CMOS for the Eachine Wizard X220 quad.
The VTX I use is the Eachine TX526
The googles I use are Eachine VR006.

For the camera i selected 5V and the VTX I chose VCC.
I use a 4s battery
I did all the souldering and checked if it was correct.
The quad flys well I however no fpv.

I've tried to attach a photo of my picture display, it has colour however I am stuck with horizontal statixc lines. If i reconnect the camera when powered on a few times it will work and get a good picture, however if i power on off again by unplugging thr battery it will revert back to horizontal static.

What would be the reason for this? Thanks


  • 20190628_225209.jpg
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wow that's a pattern I hadn't seen before. patterns in vid usually come from motors/esc's and fluctuation in current. You can try a few things.
1 make sure camera and vtx are grounded to the same post.. better yet have both camera and VTX also take full battery (HV) and run both power and G round from the same source.
2 where the battery power comes in, put a capacitor. I use 100015618500148065800833698829321453.jpg
3 check grounding of elements eg motors, esc and especially any grounding of VTX antenna to frame. there shouldn't be any. Isolate your VTX from the frame or any other ground surface.

Im sure others will kick in here but that's the first things I check.
Make sure your goggles channel is on the same exact channel as the VTX. I've seen instances of that symptom. I didn't have the same channel on the goggles (probably one close to the frequency) and I still had a picture. Might not be a problem with any of the components at all.
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