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FS-ia6 help


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Apr 1, 2017
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hey guys, i have a brand new Crusader gt2 that i am trying to set up with the fsia6 receiver. I have bound it properly, but i don't think ive wired it up right as betaflight cannot see anything i do, stick input, switching, etc. but it does see gyro movement. please help me out, thanks!

EDIT: i know this receiver isnt ibus enabled, how would i setup ppm?
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Same problem with IA6 here. Bound but does nothing in clean flight, won't arm motors, etc... Use the controller for DRL sim no problem and motors fire up manually with clean flight. Super frustrating.
Did you set the cleanflight config tab to serial receiver and PPM (if that is what you are using)? Also you will need to go to the ports tab and set the right UART to serial receiver (again, assuming PPM).
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When i go to the ports tab and set Serial to the right of UART, Save and Reboot, it reverts back to being unchecked...
Flashed after the first round of having this issue, that doesnt seem to have changed anything. Also when playing around with the enabling serial next to UART, I was able to enable it under UART , which is something that i had seen someone else do in a video with the same setup. However the problem still exists..
So i just saw on another forum that someone stated the IA6 is not compatible with PPM? I'm using this on an Eachine Wizard 220 which comes with a PPM wire setup, and since the controller came bundled with the IA6 and the controller had an option for PPM i just assumed that these would work together.

I havent been able to find confirmation that this is the case, but i'm assuming this may be the root of my issue...

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