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Issue with fc, it only beeps for half of the sound. cannot flash.


New Member
Jun 21, 2021
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Hi, I was flying my drone recently. I heard some chatter. I had just landed my drone to see what was wrong. it was my antenna of the receiver, I had put it right again, when I wanted to fly away again my drone didn't want to arme anymore. I went back to my house to see what was wrong when I found out that I could no longer calibrate the accelerometer. The sound of the esc was also different, it only beeps for half the sound. I then tried to flash the fc without success, but I had flashed the esc with success. The fc had a problem with the bootloader, I looked up several fixes on the internet. Nothing solved my problem. Would anyone perhaps know what could be causing this? I have the speedybee v2 stack.
Hi, I was flying my drone recently. I heard some chatter. I had just landed my drone to see what was wrong. it was my antenna of the receiver, I had put it right again, when I wanted to fly away again my drone didn't want to arme anymore. I went back to my house to see what was wrong when I found out that I could no longer calibrate the accelerometer. The sound of the esc was also different, it only beeps for half the sound. I then tried to flash the fc without success, but I had flashed the esc with success. The fc had a problem with the bootloader, I looked up several fixes on the internet. Nothing solved my problem. Would anyone perhaps know what could be causing this? I have the speedybee v2 stack.
If you’re not getting the last tones, that means your ESCs are not talking to your motors. If you have a 4 in 1 ESC as most of us do, you may need a new ESC. Check YouTube for how to check a 4 in 1 ESC with a multi meter, which if you don’t have one, you should get one, even the $10.00 ones are very good.

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