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Keep motors running when idle

Did a little practice session in the DRL simulator today. Hoping to try some of these tricks tomorrow.
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It's going to be really interesting to see how this applies to real life. I haven't really used the sims much. I just put the **** things in the air and went for it but I don't really know any of these movements. I hope you'll post some video of tomorrow's flights. If your skills are as good or better than the little bit I'm able to do I may need to back up and put some time into these sims. Thanks for sharing!

Well, that might not happen. So was testing the googles in my back yard....couple quick takeoff and landing...soft ground. On the last landing I noticed I wasn't getting lift afterwards. Back left motor isn't spinning. Any advice on how to trouble shoot? taking props off now to look deeper.

So stuff just got worst....defintly won't be able to fly it tomorrow. Here's the video of what was wrong:

So was trying to clean the stuff around the motor and gave it another test....and ESC caught fire. Now no motors on the right side are spinning up. So I'm going to start taking the whole thing apart to unsolder the bad esc and motor and see what I can salvage. Any words of wisdom would be good.
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It's going to be really interesting to see how this applies to real life. I haven't really used the sims much. I just put the **** things in the air and went for it but I don't really know any of these movements. I hope you'll post some video of tomorrow's flights. If your skills are as good or better than the little bit I'm able to do I may need to back up and put some time into these sims. Thanks for sharing!


Hey Jerry. As you probably know. I'm a BIG advocate for using sim's. And I've been doing a lot of research lately on Quad Sim's and how to get them to work with Spektrum (the way I want it to work with USB). So far in my research, and reading comments from skilled pilots, it's my opinion that "Quad Sim's" only have a limited ability to help prefect a pilots skills. And once acquired by the pilot, the sim basically becomes a game rather than a learning tool. I'm sure that a sim could help somewhat in maintain proficiency once basic skills are acquired. And possibly give a pilot some flying time during inclement weather. But until quads become full 3D capable like helis, I plan on continuing my training with the Phoenix 5.0 Heli sim. Just my $0.02

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That's horrible! Man, I don't know what to tell you. Is it even possible that something got in the motor and it wasn't spinning up causing the ESC to load up? Wow, I feel for you.


That's horrible! Man, I don't know what to tell you. Is it even possible that something got in the motor and it wasn't spinning up causing the ESC to load up? Wow, I feel for you.


Thanks man. My buddy is bringing his drone tomorrow so I can still fly. He doesn't have a gopro on it but I'll record with his fat sharks to get the footage.

I took the drone apart and figure I'll build a new one. I'll reuse the camera and transmitter. Might use the same FC or update it. But will use a different pcb. Can't really trust the Arris brand right now.

So will fly my buddies for now and save up to get parts. Since I've flown my buddies a couple times so far, I'll look at the parts he has and try to build something similar.
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Here's the footage from the fat sharks. We have video issues with his quad and he's going to replace the video tx on it next time...but still was lots of fun:

First flight I was in horizon mode until I realized it and we tried to find acro...once we did I was able to do lots more mauvers.
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That was pretty damned good Spider, I'm quite impressed! It's very obvious that your time on the sim was well worth it. It looks like you got into acro around 4 minutes in. I can definitely see that you've acquired some skills that I have yet to get. Good for you! I'm glad you still got to fly!

Yeah even in horizon mode it was pretty fun to fly. But enjoyed acro mode a bit more. Buddy and I are looking at building some more drones. Will mount the ESC on the bottom to avoid prop hits and catching fire.

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