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Looking for something sporty...


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Jun 10, 2018
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So, I am fairly new to Drone Piloting and picked up a couple GoPro Karma's last month. I fly them about every day. I love the Karma for getting great videos and pics...like the family sedan. They are great at zipping around to get cool shots, BUT now I am looking for something more sporty with racing and snap barrel rolls in mind...

Looking into racing drones has left me asking where the heck I can find one?? Everything my search has turned up seems slow and made for beginners. My Karma hits 35-40mph and lasts 20min. I'm looking for something sleek and sexy that can hit like 60mph and lasts at least 20 min. Everything I see looks like an ugly erector set, lasts only 5-8 minutes, and maybe hits 30mph... I need faster, longer, stronger, and more. What am I missing?
Hi AP, you’ll find that with almost all racing drones you generally only get 3-5 minutes run time per battery. The aim is smaller/lighter batteries equals a lighter quad. Less damage on impact and faster.
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On the bright side, you can expect speeds way over 60mph. Double that and you have a fast racing quad. Put some really fast stuff on there, and hit over 160mph.

Banggood.com (China)
Gearbest.com (China)
Tons more...
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So, I am fairly new to Drone Piloting and picked up a couple GoPro Karma's last month. I fly them about every day. I love the Karma for getting great videos and pics...like the family sedan. They are great at zipping around to get cool shots, BUT now I am looking for something more sporty with racing and snap barrel rolls in mind...

Looking into racing drones has left me asking where the heck I can find one?? Everything my search has turned up seems slow and made for beginners. My Karma hits 35-40mph and lasts 20min. I'm looking for something sleek and sexy that can hit like 60mph and lasts at least 20 min. Everything I see looks like an ugly erector set, lasts only 5-8 minutes, and maybe hits 30mph... I need faster, longer, stronger, and more. What am I missing?
Build your own and get what you want.
Build your own and get what you want.
Even looking at kits and parts, what you end up with seems to be framework with a few props stuck on it. I am looking for something that looks like a fighter jet/attack helio and has the muscle to back it up. I don't mind building it, but I also don't want to buy an entire fabrication shop to do it, lol.
Hilarious but oh so true :D
I generally fly between 40-60 minutes almost everyday. Maybe 1/3 is spent doing more video/photos, but then I get distracted with low-alt and near miss fly-bys... hence me looking for faster longer flight time :)
Just land and change batteries. :D

You may like some of the frames from shendrones, there are several with cool canopies, some which cover the arms for a uniform look. Tomoquads has some nice ones as well. Also the CatalystMachineworks 'Merica is a cool looking frame.

Best place to find new ideas is probably rotorbuilds.com.
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Even looking at kits and parts, what you end up with seems to be framework with a few props stuck on it. I am looking for something that looks like a fighter jet/attack helio and has the muscle to back it up. I don't mind building it, but I also don't want to buy an entire fabrication shop to do it, lol.
That’s just silly.... basic parts and a soldering iron will get the job done... the fighter jet or helicopter... well heck, you can get either one of those in gas or electric... a drones a drone and gonna look like a drone.... I think catalyst is doing a great job with their Merica builds... and doing a 6s will probably have the muscle to back it up....even a 4s is going to have the muscle... keep us posted as to what you decide
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Eww, love Catalyst Machineworks but I hate that frame. I guess I just hate freestyle frames but looking at that thing makes me livid! lol xD
Me too, yuck! Funny I just had an argument with a friend who said that there was no difference between a freestyle and a racing frame, it's all in how you fly. He flies a Chameleon. I compared it to a new build I'm working on (6" Aether) and asked him to point out 1 thing that was similar between the 2. All he could come up with was 4 arms hahaha
Just noticed my comments on the Smooth Operator. Ordered one last night bwahahaha
of course ive gotta plug flynocerous here.
great frames with lifetime replacement if you break it. there are several different frame types/sizes available. great quality and finish. i have a 2", 3" and 5" cerberus.
with camera
..or in race setup the cerberus 5" is competitive.
theflynoshop guys are awesome and the group of owners form a pretty cool group (facebook etc) with tons of support and help. they have an active GP team too.
Flynoceros – Flynoceros – Custom Drones
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Totally agree, Flyno frames are cutting edge, I've got 3 in the stable. And Josh and the guys are awesome. Just something about the SO...…..

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