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so im finally gonna be getting my first race quad

I like individual esc's because i've had them go bad altho since using 30a, it hasn't happened, use to run 20a
Oh okay makes sense cuz then like when the frame comes with ingivisual arms...you can replace them singular vs as a whole. Word. Is having them on the arm make them more susceptible to getting crushed in crashes like trees and such
Not really but if a prop bends down, it will cut into it. I heat shrink or tape a prop blade onto the top of mine just in case of this
I haven't heard anyone complain about having to replace the 4 in 1 esc's tho, I'll probably use one on my next build as my frame has very narrow arms
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There’s so many to choose from now.
How’s that Rooster coming along Randy? I feel the need!

Hey Wayne!
Hope you are getting to fly some, what came of your troubleshooting your ESC/motor combo?

As for me, the squadron grows, 3 Wizards, 1 Rooster, 1 BabyHawk 2", and 1 Tiny Whoop BATT by Josh Evans, one of the Tiny Whoop team pilots. I have everything but the RF Black Bolt V2 for the Dark Matter frame (still on backorder), and I decided to get the Kwad Box for a year and got an XHover Win 5 frame, a RF Revolt V3, a RF Bolt V2, a Runcam Swift Mini 2 and a bunch of other cools stuff from them. Then I have won a few more waffles and got a set of Hypetrain Umagawd motors among those prizes. I had won a QX7S a while back and finally got around to programming it and posted a vid on the waffle site I won it at and now everyone is going and buying one and asking for my help to get it programmed like mine. I'm a busy guy these days helping a number of people from DRP and the waffle sites figure out how to get started. Also in one of my Kwad Boxes when I opened it Le Drib had signed it on the inside so I have my first piece of memorabilia from this hobby.


Everyone thought my vid was funny and showed what the RC could do with a little programming...

I'd go for an F4 over an F3 for 1 reason only, and that's for the "dynamic filtering" capabilities in Betaflight which is pretty labour intensive and runs better with the faster F4 processing speeds. And for those who haven't run dynamic filtering, it's hard to explain how totally awesome it is!!
I'd go for an F4 over an F3 for 1 reason only, and that's for the "dynamic filtering" capabilities in Betaflight which is pretty labour intensive and runs better with the faster F4 processing speeds. And for those who haven't run dynamic filtering, it's hard to explain how totally awesome it is!!
thank you thats what i was thinking too about the processing speed i do love the dynamic filtering as well although i havent ever used it the concept is great just learned about what it was a month ago and was so interesting :)
If you think dynamic filtering is interesting, wait until you start researching the new Fast Kalman and FIR+2 filters that are being implemented in BF 3.3. Mindblowing!! Actually had Joshua Bardwell giggling like a schoolgirl
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If you think dynamic filtering is interesting, wait until you start researching the new Fast Kalman and FIR+2 filters that are being implemented in BF 3.3. Mindblowing!! Actually had Joshua Bardwell giggling like a schoolgirl
Hahaha wow thanks man. On it right now ;)
If you don't get the right gyro on your FC you cant use Kalman, even if it is an F4 or F7, it must do 32kHz sampling I believe. Make sure it has an ICM206XX series and not an MPU6000.
Okay yeah I read that that but thanks man I appreciate the help. Won't be doing this part for a while but it's good to know that I can after I get used to it
If you don't get the right gyro on your FC you cant use Kalman, even if it is an F4 or F7, it must do 32kHz sampling I believe. Make sure it has an ICM206XX series and not an MPU6000.
Actually, they'll work on just about any settings. It's better to have a 32 bit board for quicker processing and lower CPU load like the MPU-9250 & 6500, ICM-20602 but they'll work OK even with a 6000 gyro. I played around some more last night in the basement with an Omnibus F4 and really couldn't really feel any difference between 8k/8k & 32k/16k.
Randy, still haven’t got my bird back yet. I don’t want to hassle Grant as he is way behind on repairs for quite a few people. Add to that screws and plates put into his forearm not long ago and time blows out.
I really need to learn to do my own repairs. Time is just not there at the moment. So for now I send away for repairs. Now 2 weeks or so and no bird. No time to fly anyway so not a big deal.
Definitely need a back up bird now just can’t make up my mind what?
You’re stable is looking sweet as a pin mate. Not too long now and the weather will turn for you and you will be burning packs like there’s no tomorrow.
Can’t wait to see this summers footage mate. Season 2 bring it on.
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Wayne, we need to get you another bird or 2, all you need to burn a pack is 15 minutes or less, if you had one flying you would find the time somewhere to rip one off. Please let's get together sometime on the phone to talk about getting you set up to fix your own. I can do a Facetime with you and show you a few things about soldering that should have you a pro in short order. And of course if troubleshooting is needed I would be glad to lend a hand. Yes I agree, I can't wait for this flying season to begin!

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