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  1. QuantumQuadsFPV

    Need help binding

    i am building a micro that can run on 4s. I bought the xjb v2 aio fc, pdb, and esc, and an fs a8s receiver to go with it. The fc doesn't have ibus, it just has sbus and ppm. I have a flysky fs i6 that only runs on ppm and ibus, i think. Can I run on ppm? I heard it is not that great, but it's...
  2. E

    Help! My racing drone isn't working

    Hi. I am a beginner building my first racing drone. My drone has a naze 32 board and a fly sky 1a6b receiver. I have tried both cleanflight and baseflight but on both of them the receiver and the motors are not being recognized. Could you please give some advice to fix the problem.
  3. S

    Do I have everything that I need to get started?

    I have decided that this summer I am going to try to get into fpv drone racing, or at least just build a drone as a project to keep me busy. I am going to try to build one as cheap as I can. Can anyone tell me: 1 - If I buy everything on other and drone 3 here: Drone Part List, Will I have...
  4. F

    Will this setup/build work?

    Hi, I'm new to this hobby and would love some advice. I have decided that I'm gonna build my own quad, but I'm afraid that the components won't work together. So I think I'm gonna go with this build: Frame: A250 Carbon Fibre Racing Drone Frame - 21,28$ A250 Carbon Fibre Racing Drone Frame...
  5. R


    Help buying a new drone I really like this drone thing and would like to buy one. I am an amateur but would like to purchase something that lasts long and I won't need to change soon. Would you recommend a ready-to-fly drone or build my own? If you recommend building my own, where can I start...
  6. mike19896

    Eachine Wizard X220 Help

    Hi I'm new here and to racing quads, and would like to thank anyone thank could help me in advance. So I bought a Eachine Wizard X220 ARF version with RadioLink AT9 Transmitter and R9D Receiver got it almost setup but I'm stuck in Betaflight at the Modes tab trying to enable Arm and Horizon, I...
  7. V

    Building my first drone and I need some help

    Okay so I'm going to buy my very first drone. Max price is about 350e. I have done a list of stuff that I'm going to buy but first I need some advice from you guys. Is that build good? And what would you change? I'm going to buy batteries from different store, that is why I did not put them...
  8. H

    Help! Newb here

    Hello! I feel silly for being here as I know NOTHING about fpv quads, but I really need some help. I'm looking to buy a racer for my husband, but I'm not sure what I should get. I'm looking at this used one on Ebay, but I have no clue if it's a good deal or not. He is a beginner so I'd like...
  9. O

    Need help with first drone setup

    I am setting up my first quadcopter racing drone from kit my son bought me. I think it is the ZMR250 setup, but do not know for a fact as my son lives in Schinzen, China and just went down to his local electronics shop and purchased everything off the shelf. Quite cheap for him. I have been...
  10. T

    Quad Tuning, Please Help!!

    Hey, you guys, I have been working oni my quad for almost 2 years now and I still can't get the pids down. I am trying to get my quad to do tight rolls, flips, and be the best it can be. Plase, help. Please, all tips are welcome!!!!
  11. M

    A little help please!

    s and im having a hard time getting the results I would like from google searches and youtube about PID tuning. Im using cleanflight. I fly an angle mode because Im learning still and I plan to get out of it once my simulator comes in. BUT for now: I have 2 problems, your help is greatly...