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Eachine Wizard X220 Help


Feb 23, 2017
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DSC_0023.JPG Hi I'm new here and to racing quads, and would like to thank anyone thank could help me in advance. So I bought a Eachine Wizard X220 ARF version with RadioLink AT9 Transmitter and R9D Receiver got it almost setup but I'm stuck in Betaflight at the Modes tab trying to enable Arm and Horizon, I have the Transmitter set up to the best of my knowledge. I have also updated betaflight on the flight controller. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, Thanks in advance. DSC_0020.JPG DSC_0021.JPG DSC_0022.JPG View attachment 407

Did you go to receivers tab and start flipping radio switches to see what switches are mapped to what channel? Make sure none of the sticks are responding backwards on receivers tab?

Did you go to receivers tab and start flipping radio switches to see what switches are mapped to what channel? Make sure none of the sticks are responding backwards on receivers tab?
i did and cant get the amring to work not sure what im doing wrong
On the arm icon, click add range. Pick aux6 in the drop-down. Flip aux6 switch to position you want armed. Put the range sliders on either side of the indicator line for the switch. Hit save at the bottom of the page. Toggle the switch to see if the arm icon lights up and goes out.
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On the arm icon, click add range. Pick aux6 in the drop-down. Flip aux6 switch to position you want armed. Put the range sliders on either side of the indicator line for the switch. Hit save at the bottom of the page. Toggle the switch to see if the arm icon lights up and goes out.
Thanks alot

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