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CheFPV's The Week In Flow Series

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You did nothing wrong by posting your links. Are we good there? Virtue let you know, in his way, that folks here won't typically view posts that appear to be from guys just trying to get likes or subscribers. Are we still on the same page? You attacked him for his comment. That's the end, that's it. IMHO, everything that followed was your doing. You attacked Virtue. Virtue has been a long-term, valuable contributor to this meek little forum. I'm a Jarhead, Man. Attack one of my Brothers and you attack me no matter who you are.

You pop up here every now and again and throw a few video's up. We work every day helping each other to try to be as good as you are some day. You dump on that and try to push us to believe that you're right? You're not. We work our butts off here, helping each other to be better. You think coming here and slamming us does any good?

I throw out an olive branch, tell you that maybe I was wrong. What do you do? You try to rub my face in it. You discard my sincere attempt for reconciliation and dump on me again. Nah, doesn't work that way in my world, Bro. You either want to be part of the problem or part of the solution. You seem to want to be part of the problem, not the solution. You should be able to tell from the "likes" I've given you and the thread that I addressed specifically to you that I'm trying to move on. You won't hear of it, you think the words and views you posted in this thread were valid. They weren't.

I'd love your help, seriously, but I don't need it. Virtue and guys like him will try to help me with sincerity, integrity and honor. I still have hope that you'll join us and do the same. If not, so be it.

I'm not going to sit here and be your red-headed stepchild. You want to beat on me, expect the same in return. I really just want peace and coexistence. I won't do this crap much longer. It's just not what I'm here to get and it's not what this meek little site has been about. I think my attempts to reconcile this situation have shown such.


You literally won't stop with insults and assessing my character from no actual discussions with me.....

You're a very good person, clearly, much better than I being you have the all answers yet stand there accusing me of claiming to have them.

You say you watched my content, yet you must of missed how in nearly every one (non flight videos) I announce multiple ones my own ignorance and mistakes as well as statements like "I am just a dude" and "I may not really know what I'm talking about".

My lack of being humble in your eyes, is again factless and baseless as you judge it meeet on this one interaction which if you get to the core could have never existed had someone it claimed I was "bombing" the forum and simply gave me a chance. Maybe PMed me. Or maybe these admins that were threatened to be called for deleting my post could message me. Instead you have decided to have this a public discussion.

One which still ails to prove the very point of "What did I do wrong?"... answer that, and we can let this all stand. Fail to answer how my weekly flow series can't be posted here admits that everything else is a byproduct of this single situation yet you apply it globally to my personality.

I ask again, where did I do anything wrong?


I've reread this post several times now. I'm very unclear about what you're trying to say. I don't understand most of it. Can you regroup and try to better articulate your thoughts?


You did nothing wrong by posting your links. Are we good there? Virtue let you know, in his way, that folks here won't typically view posts that appear to be from guys just trying to get likes or subscribers. Are we still on the same page? You attacked him for his comment. That's the end, that's it. IMHO, everything that followed was your doing. You attacked Virtue. Virtue has been a long-term, valuable contributor to this meek little forum. I'm a Jarhead, Man. Attack one of my Brothers and you attack me no matter who you are.

You pop up here every now and again and throw a few video's up. We work every day helping each other to try to be as good as you are some day. You dump on that and try to push us to believe that you're right? You're not. We work our butts off here, helping each other to be better. You think coming here and slamming us does any good?

I throw out an olive branch, tell you that maybe I was wrong. What do you do? You try to rub my face in it. You discard my sincere attempt for reconciliation and dump on me again. Nah, doesn't work that way in my world, Bro. You either want to be part of the problem or part of the solution. You seem to want to be part of the problem, not the solution. You should be able to tell from the "likes" I've given you and the thread that I addressed specifically to you that I'm trying to move on. You won't hear of it, you think the words and views you posted in this thread were valid. They weren't.

I'd love your help, seriously, but I don't need it. Virtue and guys like him will try to help me with sincerity, integrity and honor. I still have hope that you'll join us and do the same. If not, so be it.

I'm not going to sit here and be your red-headed stepchild. You want to beat on me, expect the same in return. I really just want peace and coexistence. I won't do this crap much longer. It's just not what I'm here to get and it's not what this meek little site has been about. I think my attempts to reconcile this situation have shown such.



You make things up.... show me the attack in the response I had to what I felt was being attacked myself. Quite respectful and insightful as to how someone viewed the interaction.

Fee free to go back and look, he essentially asserts an opinion on behalf of the entire "most of the guys here" group.... and that opinion yes set me off on a defensive and passionate struggle to try and show you exactly how I perceived it.

Instead I am to bow to who you regard as better than me for being here more than I.... okay.... and never once did I say anyone here didn't work hard or do anything above and beyond. I simply wanted to participate, and quite frankly will.

You can twist what you want how you want, but nothing I said until properly provoked was even close to as rude as any of your insults have been.

Your right though, you win, I am a giant jerk and you can dissuade people from watching me. Have fun. Again, I will be me, do me, and love every second of what I do because it's for me. Not a single ever person than fulfilling my own passions.

Come out and fly with me or at an event indirect, it's will be fun!

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I'm the only one who should be apologising, Jerry was only looking out for me, Thank you for that Jerry. I was only hoping to elicit some input here from Chef and i did, sometimes you get what you ask for. Lets please all just move on, this forum is awesome even if we are the only ones here, we've done just fine till now. Sorry for starting all this
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You're not grasping anything that I'm saying and you still want to defend what has already happened. So be it.

I will probably not fly with you because I know that I'm not good enough (yet) to do so. Appreciate the offer though. I wish nothing but good luck and fortune to you.


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I'm the only one who should be apologising, Jerry was only looking out for me, Thank you for that Jerry. I was only hoping to elicit some input here from Chef and i did, sometimes you get what you ask for. Lets please all just move on, this forum is awesome even if we are the only ones here, we've done just fine till now. Sorry for starting all this
Danny you're good, I too thought this was over until I got a notification that Jerry wanted to request this to be deleted.

I find it funny I was accused of not accepting your apology, but believe I did acknowledge we came to an understanding and even started helping on other threads because of our poke.

I have no ill will here, however I don't care what "band of brothers" you stand for I stand for having a free and open community in which we agree, disagree, but most importantly SHARE our experiences. I will continue to do so until I am asked by admin or the creators to leave.

Thanks to all....
YOU AND ANYONE ELSE WITH AN OPINION IS WELCOME HERE,I and even Jerry want your content here and as i said, my first post on this thread was to get more content from ya and it worked. Thanks for the input you've already contributed and i hope to see more. This crap happens sometimes and as long as its all good in the end, well, it's all good. Jerry is a great guy and loved here, i hope you stay around a bit and get to see what i see in Jerry and all the other guys here.
Thanks for your stuff Chef, keep on doing what you do
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Jerry is one **** of a stand up guy who has helped me tremendously, and Virtue has done the same. I consider them Brothers along with theGreenOrange, Wayno52.

Chef, I would have simply said "sorry folks, can we start over?" and go from there. It might have made all the difference.

I only speak for myself here but hope we can all move forward and forget the past.
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Oh yeah, the way i read Jerrys post was:
He was only wanting you to repost the series so the old one with the crap in it could be deleted cause this site has so far been clear of this kind of controversy and he hopes to keep it that way, thats all
Jerry really is a great guy

Let's be clear. I just thought this whole thread was a mess and didn't reflect, in a positive manner, what this site has been about. That's it. I thought it would do us all good to just be rid of it. You felt differently, you thought it should endure so you could continue to believe that you were right. You weren't right. The way you chose to deal with this situation was unwarranted at the very least. You do bear responsibility for where it went but obviously you won't. I'm done responding to this thread. I see no positive, uplifting way out of it. You go on believing what you choose to believe. I believe you're very wrong for doing such. Once again, peace and harmony to you. I really hope your participation here is beneficial to us all.


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You win, how's that? if you're happy now, I am. I think this thread should be deleted and we should move on. I don't think Chef wants that. I think he loves the controversy and it'll make a good bit for his blog or vlog, whatever they call it. Do whatever you choose to do, I'm done. I'm really done.

Chef, welcome to the site, thanks for sharing.

Hazing complete, you are in :D

Seriosly though, both those guys are nice and helpful to everyone, this went sideways quick for some reason. Stick around when you have time, there is another great pilot on here @raymonFPV so maybe you guys came trade notes. I am more of a builder than a pilot, but I am getting better. Have a look at my builds if you have a minute.


These are awesome builds and somehow forgot to mention our favorite builder, sorry Green
You guys really are something. Banding together to protect one another from the big bad CheFPV. He's here to try and satiate his insatiable desire for conflict and drama so much that arguing with 3 guys in a forum of 250 is his ultimate devicive plan to hit 4,000 subscribers!!!!

Fellas..... it's all been said, and yes you all win, including Jerry that thinks I'm such a crazed ego driven lunatic. The arguing is over.

I'll continue to say what I have said here and many more years before. I'm going to be me, you be you, if we end up together later, awesome, if not, nice seeing you today!

Have a great night.
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Thank you for all of your help! It's refreshing to know that your objectives here were nothing more than trying to help us little people. Banding together to protect each other is a moral and good thing. You can certainly consider yourself "the big bad CheFPV", I have no such notion. You most certainly are "ego driven" as promulgated by your very posts. You are very right "the arguing is over", that's been said many times already. Good luck to you on all of your future endeavors (something you've neglected to say to any of us) and may peace be with you. Your impact here will not be forgotten. I, for one, don't believe we'll ever be "together". I hope you have a wonderful night as well.

You guys really are something. Banding together to protect one another from the big bad CheFPV. He's here to try and satiate his insatiable desire for conflict and drama so much that arguing with 3 guys in a forum of 250 is his ultimate devicive plan to hit 4,000 subscribers!!!!

Fellas..... it's all been said, and yes you all win, including Jerry that thinks I'm such a crazed ego driven lunatic. The arguing is over.

I'll continue to say what I have said here and many more years before. I'm going to be me, you be you, if we end up together later, awesome, if not, nice seeing you today!

Have a great night.

Now you're insulting me for not wishing people on their endeavors good luck when no ones endeavors, not even my own, have been discussed but rather only speculated on.

I don't apologize right, or enough, I don't give thanks to people for no given reasons, I don't post how you like people to post.... seriously? This is what we've been doing?

I've fixed 2 gimbals, test flown 3 BYRDS (GDU Customer Experience Manager is my job), helped plan an event in November, made live update videos for an event I am organizing tonight trough Sunday for FPv flightlines, picked my son up from school, pissed my wife off, did dishes, and am currently folding clothes for my wife before I leave town to play with toys....

I have no one to thank for anything really because nothing has transpired of substance to thank anyone for. I thanked Danny yesterday for his words and thoughts, and it was deserved and genuine.

You continue to talk down to me and categorize me as you will, again it shows your true colors.

I ever would want a friend that makes a human feel the way you are in your statements and judgements.

I still can't seem to find any direct insults I've made to anyone, yet again you could probably count on two hands the number of them from you.

You also should stop judging yourself somharsh as you I am sure are a good pilot in you're own right. I can't speak to that as I've been offered no substance yet from you to judge said skills. I will continue to leave my open ended invite to fly together though as inhave and always will continue to unite all skill levels in ways locally and within my reach socially.

As for answers, no one has them all, and **** sure I don't have many other than the ones that are derived from my own experience. Even those can be bad every once in a while as we all have different outcomes in different use cases.

I'll once again wish you all a good day, though that will be overlooked by you as well I am sure....
Personally, I think you are a self absorbed, narcissist. I think you have some sort of delusional disorder. I hope things go well for you and that you are able to help the many on this board that are seeking such. I choose not to have anything further to do with you. Tomorrow, I'll get up, try to finish my bird and get some air time. I'll hopefully post my amateurish, cheezy review of my Runcam Split for the few of the friends I may have around here. Nothing more, nothing less. You can continue on your tirade to beat the heck out of anyone that crosses your path if you choose to do so. You'll do so without any help or support from me.

Good luck to you, Sir.

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