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CheFPV's The Week In Flow Series

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If you want help with editing I can share my crappy choices and understanding...


I'm going to drop it now. This is exactly the kind of banter we try to avoid around here. I apologize if I offended you in any manner. You're a great FPV pilot and I can only hope, dream and work really hard to try to be as good as you are someday. I'm done in this thread. I bow before you "CHEF"!

Peace, Brother.


so now you turn around and patronize me?

You definitely came in and criticized me for no reason. You say I should be more humble... Why are you not asking me questions rather than aiming statements and baseless opinions of me?

I am not that great, never claimed to be, and don't need anyone to "hope, dream, and work to try to be..." anything but a contributor an community member if you choose.

Geez.... A guy tries to share the content he loves to create and gets beat up on.
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Works slow today and i have time to go and check out your stuff, ANY content is welcome here, its kinda slow sometimes. Was only hoping to get a little more substance out of ya, sorry if i offended. I do have great respect for the founders of this hobby and everything they have done for it. I'm a multi GP member and realise what it takes to run a group, so thanks for what you do. I'm off to go watch your stuff....-Danny
Dude, I wasn't patronizing you, I was being serious. You are a great pilot, I'm not saying that just to say it. I really think you are(?). And I'm sure as heck not trying to beat up on you. I tried to explain the group I believe that we are. That's all. Look through this site and see if you can find another thread like this here. I don't think you can. We're not into it, Man. We're seriously wannabe's that work our butts off to get better. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot and I'm more than willing to take fault on my part. What do you say, we start over. With a new thread, a new topic and a new attitude from all of us? I'm certainly willing if you guys are. I'd love to have you around here from a different perspective. Sorry it took me a bit to respond but I'm actually trying to "watch" the videos that you just posted in response to this thread. I don't take anyone for granted, I can't afford to. I sure as heck ain't nobody special.


Works slow today and i have time to go and check out your stuff, ANY content is welcome here, its kinda slow sometimes. Was only hoping to get a little more substance out of ya, sorry if i offended. I do have great respect for the founders of this hobby and everything they have done for it. I'm a multi GP member and realise what it takes to run a group, so thanks for what you do. I'm off to go watch your stuff....-Danny

Thanks for the genuine opinions and thoughts. I appreciate everyone as well. I do all I do for other people. I have given up plenty of opportunities simply because I refuse to be anyone but me. I am not a puppet, I admit my own flaws and mistakes when called on them, and just care to help others enjoy flying. Its the same as being a Chef. I did that and did that very successfully simply because I loved to do what I did.

I also have turned down being "the fpv guy" on some big RC Youtube networks early on but still refuse them to this day because its not my style. Its not what I am about and I refuse to propagate anything thats not organic and real. Not to mention the "reviews" I have been offered for product I never would use or recommend.

Anyway, heres one last look at who and what I am about and stand for....

Chef, welcome to the site, thanks for sharing.

Hazing complete, you are in :D

Seriosly though, both those guys are nice and helpful to everyone, this went sideways quick for some reason. Stick around when you have time, there is another great pilot on here @raymonFPV so maybe you guys came trade notes. I am more of a builder than a pilot, but I am getting better. Have a look at my builds if you have a minute.



While I finish reviewing the content you provided maybe you could jump over to another thread and see how we're doing things here. It may give you a better perspective of our experience level and how we support each other:




I spent quite a bit on this thread today, I will check in tomorrow and see if I can help.

That being said, I don't support Leopard or other clone companies, and that thread seems to be a lot of banter about #HammerGate that you don't want me getting into. I mean considering I essentially was responsible for it being a thing, I was the director at Riot Freestyle track and the one that live streamed it, I've spoke enough on the topic.

If folks have questions, let me know, I believe messages can also be a way to help folks.

****, mention me on a post you might like my opinion on, I'm always down for that.

Have a good one guys!
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After reviewing the content you provided, you may be way too deep for me. I do this stuff for fun only. I've got no interest in FPV politics. It's tough enough for me to try to decipher governmental politics let alone FPV politics. I'm a self-made, old guy. A high school drop-out, six year active duty Marine with the Rapid Deployment Force (went active on my 17th birthday), an untethered and underestimated entrepreneur and first and foremost a committed, faithful husband to my wonderful wife of 30 years and the Father to three fantastic children.

I'm retired now, hopefully I amassed enough wealth to carry my Family through the rest of their lives (a tax cut would be great about now, I'm sure that hurts many). I've worked my butt off (on the ground) for everything I have and have never taken a single dime from anyone, including this awesome new-world, politically correct, government of ours. I'm here for nothing more than enjoyment (Virtue, if you can call Raceflight enjoyment!;)).

I love the simple camaraderie here. Nobody is an expert, we all have strengths and we all have weaknesses. We know what ours are and we choose to capitalize on each others strengths (we acknowledge and accept the weaknesses). We're just a bunch of renegade FPV wannabe's that are quite happy being such (that's the way I see it, others may not), bumbling our way through this experience. It's just plain fun for us. When one's down, we try to bring him up to fight another day. It's just comfortable.

I'd be happy to offer you a FB intervention but I think your sights may be set too high. I do appreciate your skills (seriously!) and look forward to seeing them displayed in the future.

Good luck, my friend!

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If you are not in for $, then why the bs on clones. this is a capitalist economy that drives innovation and competition of which is unrivaled in the world and if ya haven't noticed, it works. I do contract construction, i get underbid weekly, i don't cry about it. Just the way it is.
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If you are not in for $, then why the bs on clones. this is a capitalist economy that drives innovation and competition of which is unrivaled in the world and if ya haven't noticed, it works. I do contract construction, i get underbid weekly, i don't cry about it. Just the way it is.
Because I have many friends in the industry innovating and creating. Including frame companies like Flynoceros that is local to me and supports many pilots and events in our area. I have loyalty to those that have it back. Clones are not about over pricing or anything other than plain and simple costs and budget factors. No one is getting rich. These people work from garages and spend countless hours coming up with unique and tested ideas. Then companies try to undercut them and profit for themselves because they posses the basic resources in the sense of the materials at a cost that they control when the company they stole from asks for quotes? Come on, supporting clones is like being okay with the Mexican Mafia doing what they do.

Thats my answer....
I bid a job last year, in between bidding the job and starting it, there was 15% tariff on imported wood products to even the market for US manufactures. The US manufactures immediately increased their prices once the tarrif passed. Long story short, i lost thousands of dollars before i started the job. This country was built on capitalism and it works. No amount of tinkering with it does any good. If someone does a service or makes a product for me and i'm unsatisfied with the price or quality, i can go to someone else. We would all be communists if it were any different. Two small sheets of carbon fiber and a small amount of labor setting up a cnc mill shouldn't cost me $100. You or any other millennial can't tell me different. I've been around too long for that crap.
Thats my answer
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I bid a job last year, in between bidding the job and starting it, there was 15% tariff on imported wood products to even the market for US manufactures. The US manufactures immediately increased their prices once the tarrif passed. Long story short, i lost thousands of dollars before i started the job. This country was built on capitalism and it works. No amount of tinkering with it does any good. If someone does a service or makes a product for me and i'm unsatisfied with the price or quality, i can go to someone else. We would all be communists if it were any different. Two small sheets of carbon fiber and a small amount of labor setting up a cnc mill shouldn't cost me $100. You or any other millennial can't tell me different. I've been around too long for that crap.
Thats my answer

Millennial? There it is.... More accusations and insults....I knew something was off.

First of all, I am no millennial, I was born in 1979 my sir. I have been through and around many markets and industries as they grew from nothing. I built a Deskpro 286/25e from scratch in 1991 at twelve years old. I was in highschool when the Internet took off and AOL and Net Zero Died. I used a Beeper when it was cool, yes I did, I used to have to call my parents from a payphone for 25 cents, then 35, when at the skating rink back in 1992, and my first Cell contract in which I still have today was with Sprint in 1999....

As far as your understanding of "setting up a cnc" and "a few sheets of carbon fiber", it is insulting. You have no idea what it takes to design a proper frame. A frame that wins championships in and outside america. You have no clue how much my friends and community members have given up and or risked to take a shot. I myself took a huge shot and changed my life and career forever.

I was an accomplished Chef and restaurant manager for over a decade and hardly saw my wife of almost 16 years and now 7 year old son. I saw an opportunity for me to use Drone technology and the markets its creating to reinvent myself. I quit an industry that I was known locally for begin significantly successful to make a fraction of the money pursuing dreams I had. That affords me time with my family and going on 2 years of time with my son I cant imagine I would have missed.

You are judging peoples hard work that in most regards could be done in other industries for much higher profits and less work. This mentality will kill this industry just as it has other small hobbyist and electronics based industries.

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That computer you built, i'm sure was rife with imports. That pager, same. I'm sorry for the time with your son you missed, we all wish we had that kind of time back. I'm sure you are very accomplished, what that has to do with clones i'll never know. i do by the way know what it takes to set up a cnc machine, as i have been using cnc equipment since it was available. All i'm saying is put on your big boy pants and quit crying when your competitor whips you.
EDIT: i didn't say you were a born millennial, just have the same views
Also, its your views thats gonna put this hobby out of reach for the masses
Who makes the cnc equipment frames are cut on? lol ... dude live what you preach or don't preach to me
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We've reached the abyss. This takes us away from our primary goal, build, repair and fly these birds. Maybe later, when things have matured a bit, I'll look back and say I shouldn't have supported this company or that guy. We're in the embryotic stages of this anomaly. Let's just enjoy it for now. Sweeping regulation and ridiculous warning and disclaimers are in the future (and not too far away). Don't squander the opportunity to innovate on behalf o political discourse. I'm done here, much more work to be done.


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Man oh man what a thread. Not only can I not fly like all of you guys , I can’t even type that fast. Lol

For Wayno and all the "locals" (perspective locals included) here,

I (just me) don't condone this kind of thread. I really don't like it. The only reason I even chimed in was because I felt that one of our "daily" and "supportive" contributors was being attacked with no input from anyone else. In my world you always cover your Brothers six.

This forum has all but died on more than one occasion because we have too few regular, educated contributors. I do consider myself uneducated about electrics and electronic theory. We could sure use some folks like CHEF to help us further ourselves in this hobby.

Personally, I'd rather see this forum die than to allow others to come here to promulgate and promote a FB type of atmosphere and attack regular, daily contributors for making a sly comment. I don't want to be told that I'm just not good enough and that I don't know what I'm talking about. I already know that and that's why I'm here, to get better.

I consider most everyone on this board to be a friend. Another Brother struggling to understand and enjoy this hobby. There are many places I can go to read what I read and contributed to this thread. It's not where I want to go.

Even if this forum dies, I've made good friends here. People like me that are doing everything they can to stay focused on reality and to learn about this hobby together without the banter and degrading nature that is so prevelant on so many other sites.

That's the end of my rant on this subject. Others may feel differently, I'm only expressing my personal opinion.

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