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DJI FPV is faster than ski Jets. You might need to turn your volume down.

John Gowland

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2021
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DJI FPV is my 7th DJI drone. One of my dreams was to get a drone that could outpace an average skyjet. A DJI FPV can do 101 Kl/h (not manual, going to try that soon.) Of all the skyjets I have followed I can over take them. (Mod Removed Language)good fun. My target is to completely circle a fast skyjet while traveling at its fastest speed. Bit hard to grasp but that is what I want to do. Will take me some months to do it.
YouTube are getting slow in taging the music. Two Steps From Hell released ALL DRUMS GO TO HELL.
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I took off from Ocean Reef Harbour in the north Perth WA. And thank you. It's a great place to take a drone off. But it is underdevelopment and soon there will be so many people there we will not be able to fly. So enjoy while you can.
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I have never thought about wind, so I suppose it does not seem to have an effect I think because it is so close to the water as opposed to hights where it gets very windy here in Perth. Thank you.
haha I have chased jet skis to and my 7 and 5 inch just blows them away. But dont last long and have to fly back lol
You lucky man. What do you mean by "my 7 and 5 inch" It is such a thrill to chase anything that moves especially Jet Skis. :)

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