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Drone from China

with the way they are mounted (motor) they need to be that long
The 2.5mm is kinda hard to find
Lots of good information here. If you belong to the ViFly User Group on Facebook, I mentioned about making a spreadsheet of all the parts, etc. so that you can find lots of this stuff out in one document... I already started it, will publish it tonight with a link to the web page (Google Sheets). It's time we put all of these details all together. I'm gathering data from all over the place.

Awesome I did find some stainless ones $5.00 for 100 pcs in cap screw
so will figure out what ill go with.
yeah I thought the same thing (hoping the stainless will be tougher)
Mark, did you order any screws? If so where did you get them from? Would I be able to search button head screw 2.5mm X 10mm and they should come up? I think it would be a good idea to have some on hand.
AccuGroup .com is the place I found them (I for warn you they stick it to you on shipping!!) I had to pay $18.00 to ship them from the U.K.
Yeah how bout that HUH!!

I will say the quality looks superb though
Thanks cavalleydude, that sounds great. I gave up FB about 3 years ago, thought about going back just for the drone stuff. For over 20 years I have went to work and dealt with extreme ignorance in most cases, and it didn't make sense to read it when I was off. Maybe if I can find some discipline and stay away from the silliness while on FB. Anyway, thanks for working on the sheet, I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks cavalleydude, that sounds great. I gave up FB about 3 years ago, thought about going back just for the drone stuff. For over 20 years I have went to work and dealt with extreme ignorance in most cases, and it didn't make sense to read it when I was off. Maybe if I can find some discipline and stay away from the silliness while on FB. Anyway, thanks for working on the sheet, I'm looking forward to it.

I'm working on the spreadsheet as we speak. I will share it here too. No worries if you don't want to mess with FB, I totally understand. I've quit that and LinkedIn multiple times but have always gone back for whatever reason. So, the link I'll share will allow anyone to comment on any item, and I'll put in the user comments as edits, because if I opened it up for anyone to edit, it could get deleted by someone by accident.

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Nice write up!
I did notice something that was diff. on my 220 the ant. on mine is a RP-SMA is this an early model maybe?

Nice write up!
I did notice something that was diff. on my 220 the ant. on mine is a RP-SMA is this an early model maybe?


Thanks. Good question, I took that information right from the technical details from their website. Post a pick of your antenna unplugged and I'll compare with mine.

Im not at the House right now but mine looks like the one on the right The top pic is My ant. sma-rpsma.jpg

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