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Eachine Wizard 220 manual

Just an update on progress or rather lack of it. The weather continues to be , well, British, so I am still on the simulator. Practice with that tells me I am A ok on low rates and acro mode, and I can get through the gates in self levelling mode, but high rates is still eluding me. Perhaps I am too old to make such rapid corrections or that my condition A muscle wasting disease) prevents me from building muscle memory. Of course there is the alternative that I am just thick,
Anyway, I am still practising not flying yet.
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Nah. Not yet sadly. Apart from the weather being a bit I have had a few weeks or viral labynthitis. Too dizzy to stand let alone fly. But back to normal now though.
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Good you are feeling better
Oh much better now thanks. Still getting the odd unsteady feeling but I have been out with my Phantoms, so I am good to fly. Dragon off on holiday in a few days so I can actually get out and fly FPV. Will let you know how that goes. I will say though that my piloting of the Phantoms seems to have improved, perhaps because of the simulator work?
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No, I was not dead. Just felt like it. Sick and dizzy etc. However, with some luck tomorrow will be my first flight. Fingers crossed
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First attempted flight was a complete bust. It did not oleave the ground. Despite my best efforts the motors started once, and once only. Went up to six feet, stopped and came down again. No movement at all now. Transmitter sees the receiver but the aircraft will not arm. So tomorrow it’s connect it up to the computer and have a look inside. I was actually doing some research and no where can I find instructions on how to arm the craft properly, just one still photo. Perhaps God is telling me to leave well alone. We shall see.
More likely the Devil trying to persuade you from having any fun! Don't stop now, this will be easier than what you have already been through. Your description needs to be better, but I will throw a few things out there and hope something sticks gien what you said...

If it just won't arm there is about 6 things that can stop it - Search for a Joshua Bardwell video for "quad wont arm" and it will come up.

Also plug into betaflight and go to cli and do a "status" and hit a return/enter, the last line will tell you the arming disallow code(s) and let us know or look them up online here.

Many thanks for that. I am was ahead of you though. Just seen the video, and I. Think it is just what I need. But I am leaving it until tomorrow when I can concentrate . It might even be dry so I could try it again.
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Thanks for that thought. I will do that once I have understood how properly. Got it working at least now.
So try number two ended in disaster . The aircraft simply flipped upside down and started to mow the grass. Managed to turn it if quickly and found a bent propellor. Tried again after replacing the damaged propellers. Same thing this time, immediately flipped upside down and this time would not turn off. Pretty hairy trying to disconnect the batter with the motors running! Yes I know Virue Violater, arm the motors with a switch. Guess what I am doing next. So here’s hoping number three will be lucky. I have a few propellers left. CNnot find anywhere to buy replacements here in the U.K. excel Bangood and they want over $50 for a set of ten. Anyone any ideas as to where is a good place please?
Thank you for those suggestions. I had checked and double checked those before I went out. I did notice after the crash tha the antenna had fallen off, not been pulled off. Perhaps I had not screwed it in tight enough and that was the cause of the poor control. I am going to put it back on the computer tomorrow to triple check settings. Whole new set of props and we could be good to go.
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Set up another switch so I can select different modes. Can’t check as very windy here. Added to that lost the battery for my Eachine Two Goggles, and struggling to get a replacement. Cannot buy off eBay as suppliers will not post to me. Did someone mention fun before?
Ok, so here we are another few weeks gone by and still not in the air. Had some good weather in the UK this week so I went out with the drone. All antennas properly set , arm switch set, new props etc.
Arm the motors. Raise the throttle slightly and ...... flip and cut grass again. Not happy.
Back to base and bet flight. Lots of investigations and a video from Joshua Bardwell, God bless him, and I find that my yaw orientationis 90 deg out. That is now corrected so maybe. Just maybe it might fly now, but 8 will be double checking with beta flight tomorrow.
I bought the drone as. RTF, somewha5 disappointed on that front.
Cars come ready to drive, but that doesn’t mean we know enough inherently to drive them. Your quad would have been set up to fly out of the box... if you knew enough inherently to do so. You mush have reset or upgraded Betaflight or something to lose the Yaw offset. Now that you have steeped yourself in it you are soooo much better prepared for what’s ahead, there are dozens of important facets to this and once you start flying and crashing you will need every bit of that knowledge to get her flying again. This is not a hobby for the weak of heart so I commend you for getting where you are, you are ready to fly now and I have no doubt your next time out you will do just that. Try to remember that this flying machine and making it fly thing is a process and stick time is the next step.

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Thank you for being the eternal optimist, I wish I was even half as optimistic. I shall persist as long as I can. After all I built a car so I should surely be able to get a small deon in the sky.

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