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Head Tracking!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
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Firmware update for drone and goggles at release, enables this:

I am dying until I can afford to buy one next month.

Considering selling one of my children, can't decide between son or daughter. Daughter eats less...
Is that a first in the consumer drone market? If it is, I think it'll be a game-changer and develop into being the new norm for higher-end drone systems.
OK -- not the game-changer I thought it was then. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing how it works and feels in the field. I have a feeling this thing will be a blast and that I'll end up wishing it had a 45-minute battery.
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The interesting thing is it looks like it provides some additional control input so that in combination with the MC you can slip sideways and go backwards.
The interesting thing is it looks like it provides some additional control input so that in combination with the MC you can slip sideways and go backwards.
Yes. I was looking at a video last night. Looks like itll make the motion controller more viable
I received the avata + new goggles yesterday and I have to admit this is the one feature I can’t wait to try! Only done one brief flight so far and haven’t tested this yet.

I can’t find anywhere if this is also working when flying with the normal (non-motion) controller, but I think it will.
Did my first test with the headtracking today. It doesn't show up like in the video, with the "brackets", but maybe that is because I have the center point switched on.

It works with the motion controller, but didn't work with the FPV controller.

When for example following a ship on the river, you can use your head to point the camera in the direction of the object, whilst flying next to the object. The direction of flight is then for example forward, but the drone rotates sideways. In that case, the horizon is tilted though, because the drone is tilted forward to fly a speed.

All in all, I'll have to spend much more time with it to get more fluent, as for now, it is VERY easy to loose your sense of direction :-)
I believe the hed tracking is only available with the new goggles as well? Older goggles will not allow for head tracking?
Did my first test with the headtracking today. It doesn't show up like in the video, with the "brackets", but maybe that is because I have the center point switched on.

It works with the motion controller, but didn't work with the FPV controller.

When for example following a ship on the river, you can use your head to point the camera in the direction of the object, whilst flying next to the object. The direction of flight is then for example forward, but the drone rotates sideways. In that case, the horizon is tilted though, because the drone is tilted forward to fly a speed.

All in all, I'll have to spend much more time with it to get more fluent, as for now, it is VERY easy to loose your sense of direction :)
I had a quick fly this morning but couldnt find the head tracking feature
The manual says to access head tracking from the shortcut menu then see the second screenshot below, click the icon to enable the feature. Is this what you are referring to?Screenshot_20220831-220432.png
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yep tried that
didnt want to mess around too much as i was demo'ing for students and didnt want to look stupid haha

just plugged into the app and updating firmware.
I did this when i unpacked last week and there was a firmware for goggles but not the drone. This may fix my issue
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Firmware update for drone and goggles at release, enables this:

I am dying until I can afford to buy one next month.

Considering selling one of my children, can't decide between son or daughter. Daughter eats less...
I guess the original video was moved / deleted? Can someone point me to it again?

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