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input not recieving


Sep 18, 2017
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hello again

I just installed the FS A8S to my Wizard 220s and connected it by PPM.

I could successfully connect my Flysky FS i6 to the transmitter.
However, the drone won‘t recieve any input...

I tried to rebind to transmitter/controller multiple times (binding worked but still no input).
The settings in betaflight are all set for PPM.

Did I connect the FS A8S wrong? (Picture attached)
FC54C9FE-476D-43A8-BD98-BD1165CB4639.jpeg 6461A8E6-83FB-4255-A0C1-679F53750516.jpeg

If not, do you have any other ideas why it wouldn‘t work?

Edit: I was talking about the FS A8S receiver when I wrote „transmitter“ ...
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No problem, keep us informed, no turning back now......
Yess it works now! Thanks for your help.

I had to exchange the white cable with the yellow cable and connect it on the PPM Port at the receiver as you said.
I also had to dissolve the tin from the SBUS thing (red arrow) and do some tin on the PPM thing (green arrow) to make it work. (Not done yet on the picture.76E03040-383E-4D01-B81B-5B1423933551.jpeg518C905C-CE05-4CC2-88A2-4DB679416337.jpeg

Still one last questions left :D
I enabled airmode alltime in betaflight.
On my old quad the motors already started spinning when I armed it. They don‘t do on this one. Is that a problem?
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You must have unchecked prop stop. Also air mode needs to be on a switch (unless its raceflight) so you can unenable it before landing or else it will bounce 30-40' in the air.
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I haven't noticed much of an issue landing with airmode on like I always hear about. But I am quick with the disarm command (using stick command, not on a switch). I learned that reflex from all the crashing :D

The setting you need to turn OFF to have the props spin on arm is Motor_Stop. It is on the top right of the configuration tab if I remember right.
You must have unchecked prop stop. Also air mode needs to be on a switch (unless its raceflight) so you can unenable it before landing or else it will bounce 30-40' in the air.

Motor stop is unchecked.
I don‘t have any more AUX left on the transmitter, that‘s why I have airmode enabled always. But I learned to land more or less with airmode enabled on the old quad.

When I arm the quad the props don‘t move until I do an input.
But if there is no input and I tilt the quad, the props do move while tilting and stop again after even if I don‘t tilt it pack (not like in anglemode) — See in the video (quad armed, no input given at all, angle mode off) IMG_1478.MOV
Motor stop is unchecked.
I don‘t have any more AUX left on the transmitter, that‘s why I have airmode enabled always. But I learned to land more or less with airmode enabled on the old quad.

When I arm the quad the props don‘t move until I do an input.
But if there is no input and I tilt the quad, the props do move while tilting and stop again after even if I don‘t tilt it pack (not like in anglemode) — See in the video (quad armed, no input given at all, angle mode off) IMG_1478.MOV
ok, your idle is too low
I was gonna say same as virtue, check your min_throttle. You can findn the right value using the motors tab with props off, or just raise it a bit and see what happens.
I run my idle a little high when using a gp, and on heavier builds, keeps them from dropping so fast
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I run my idle a little high when using a gp, and on heavier builds, keeps them from dropping so fast
I was gonna say same as virtue, check your min_throttle. You can findn the right value using the motors tab with props off, or just raise it a bit and see what happens.

Thanks for the answer :)
Somehow the video won‘t process...

I know where I can test the motors but I‘m not sure where to set min throttle?

If my min throttle is 1100 for example but the transmitter output at zero throttle is only 900 - will the motors spin „at 1100“ then?

Is there a certain way to figure out the best min throttle or do I just have to try? :)
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You can figure out the right min throttle using the motors tab. Take off your props, plug in your battery and agree to test the motors. Then raise the master slider slowly until all motors are spinning smoothly. You can use the arrow keys to raise slowly. I put my min throttle 5 or 10us above this number.
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