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Intermediate pilot having trouble with all the diff flight software.


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Apr 22, 2018
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I have probably bought and lost, broken, or screwed up several thousand dollars worth of racing quads. I’ve had eachine 250 , Arris 220 , two arris 250s , a couple walkeras and a Horizon hobby Mach. I have a radio controller of almost every kind because i always have to get the RTF so I can use them. I have so much trouble understanding open pilot, clean flight , subs , , mbus,beta flight , how to get your radio set right , . I have a radio link a9, a spectrum dx e, a fr sky , a fly sky, and a denvention remote control radio. Can someone give a simple break Down of what these programs are and which are the easiest and most user friendly. My world would be a great place if I could just buy a compatible receiver and a BNF quad, then be able to hook it up and understand what in the heck I’m doing.
I’ve had dji s for years and don’t have any trouble understanding them.
Thx jb from Mendocino county CA
Haha yeah there’s a lot of buses in it. That’s a heck of a lot of information you are after and I am yet to find a video that will explain all of that at once. Most bnf quads come with frsky, a lot come with flysky and I believe walkera have their own.
I struggle to get my head around it too so not oodles of help.
But what you can do is buy a multi protocol module to put in one of your radios ( check compatibility first)
And you can bind almost any quad to that radio. I will send link.
Things like Betaflight, Cleanflight and bl heli just take time to get used to.
Plenty of videos on yt about them.
Keep us informed
Oh btw jbus, welcome to the forum.

Thanks Wayne! Glad there are some empathetic souls.
I watch YouTube videos , sometimes way later at night than I should . The guys make it seem so easy. Never works that way for me . Would be awesome if someone had s live forum that could help via camera phone ,
Chat. Oh well.
I’ll keep trying
And the technology will surely become easier.
Thanks for
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Yeah it’s one of those things that some people pick up reasonably easy and others like myself don’t. I am very lucky to have made a lot of friends on here who are great at problem solving. When I started fpv not that long ago I had hair and was always in good spirits. Lol
Stick around, there’s mountains of talent here.
Once you get things going and you string together a few good fpv flights, you simply can’t stop.
Betaflight is pretty much the standard right now. Your best bet is on YouTube. Check out betaflight configuration videos on the Project Blue Falcon and Joshua Bardwell YouTube channels.

It seems hard at first but it isn't that bad once you get started.

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